Twenty: Over It

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Several days passed. Days turned into weeks. Weeks turned into a month. By the end of that month, I felt completely depressed. Nothing made me happy anymore. There were times that I couldn't leave my room at all out of fear that my mood would upset Eri. Even Echiko seemed to be getting sick of me. I hadn't stepped outside of this tiny space in a month. I felt like I had memorized every mark on the wall, every little thing about the small dorm.

Aizawa had taken the children out onto campus with the students now and everyone was doing something with them. I didn't know what because I didn't ask. It was just going to upset me that I couldn't be there.

Sprawled out on my bed, I laid among my pillows and blankets, staring at the ceiling. The TV in the living room played some mindless drone of a news station, repeating the same stories I had heard every day for a week now. There was nothing new or exciting to listen to. So instead, I was stuck in my own head, thinking about everything once more.

The longer I thought about everything, the more I hated everyone. I hated Hawks almost as much as I hated the League. For all I knew, he was part of the League. He had never called me back to explain what had happened, which meant there was nothing to explain. I should just take his actions at face value. He had broken Dabi out of jail and disappeared off the face of the planet. To top it all off, Best Jeanist was missing as well, presumed to be dead.

The front door opened then, but I didn't move from where I laid. There was rustling within the dorm before the TV was switched off and Aizawa came into the bedroom. 

"Are you okay?" He asked, pausing in the door way. I didn't even look at him.


"What's going on?"

"Nothing. Like always."

"You're acting like a child."

I rolled onto my side, keeping my back to him. "If you've come here to insult me, you can leave."

His footsteps trailed further into the room. "I'm not trying to insult you. I just think you're acting weird."

Rolling my eyes, I slipped out of bed and walked away from him to the window, looking out of the blinds to the sidewalk below. Rain pattered on the window quietly.

"You dont get it."

"Don't get what?"

Turning sharply on my heel to face him, I couldn't help the anger that had etched itself into my expression. "You don't get what it's like being confined to one small space for so long. I'm going insane." My arms moved around wildly as I expressed myself, mimicking motions. "I can't do anything! I can't see the look on my daughters' faces when they experience new things. I can't be there to make fun memories. I'm losing my fucking mind!"

"Calm down." He tried to comfort me, moving closer, but I waved him away, refusing to be held.

"I dont need to calm down! I need to be somewhere other than here! Anywhere but here!"

"It's not forever."

"Then when? Are you even trying? Have you come up with any plan? You're probably taking your sweet ass time because you don't want me back at work. That's it, isn't it? You're always nagging me and always worried about my safety. You think me being trapped here will keep me safe, right?"

"You're being unfair."

Rolling my eyes, I walked past him, but he followed me. I snatched a long coat from my closet before shoving my feet into some boots.

"What are you doing?" He asked, moving to the doorway to block it, but I didn't intend on leaving that way.

"I'm getting some fresh air. You're not keeping me trapped here any longer." I shrugged the coat on and pulled the black hood over my head before hurrying to the bay window.

For Her | Sequel to 'Number 7' | Aizawa x OC FanficWhere stories live. Discover now