Six: Crazy

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"You need to rest." I nagged Akiyasu for the dozenth time.

Annoyance flickered across her expression as she slowed her workout to a stop. "I wouldn't even have to rest if someone hadn't broken my collar bone."

"Oh yes, because I purposefully broke your bone." I snapped back sarcastically. "It doesn't really matter how it happened, it matters that you take it easy."

"It's just my arm." She huffed at me. "I don't need my arm to exercise my legs." Despite her words, she threw a leg over the pseudo-bike seat, the pedals she was previously using swaying as she abandoned the device. "Anyway, I have an appointment with Recovery Girl to speed up the process."

"Of course you do." I refrained from rolling my eyes.

She threw her hands up at me defensively. "Why do you want to keep me down so badly?"

"I don't want to keep you down, I want you to rest."

"Resting is keeping me down."

"You are so stubborn." I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration.

"You know, sometimes I think you broke my arm on purpose." She muttered under her breath.

"How could you even say that?"

"You're always trying to hold me back and now you have a reason to do so."

"That's insane." I shook my head.

"Okay!" She threw her hands up again. "Then why can't you just leave me alone? Hero work is my entire life. We went to school together, you of all people should know how important it is to me."

"Fine, whatever, do whatever you want." I waved her off, pressing my palm into my temple as a headache began to grow in my skull.

"Thanks, I will." With that, she snatched her bag from the floor and stormed out of the dorm, leaving me alone with Echiko.

Lately, Akiyasu had been growing more irritable. Even before those creatures attacked us, she always seemed on edge. Still, she wouldn't talk to me. Not really. There was something on her mind she wasn't communicating.

A shrill cry sliced into my train of thought, bringing me back to the room. Quickly, I went to my daughter's bassinet and scooped her into my arms. Soon enough, her cry faltered and she looked up at me with a toothless smile.

"I hope you don't have your mother's temper."


Recovery girl inspected my collar bone and the X-rays thoroughly before performing some sort of miracle with her quirk. Thought it was still bruised and tender, the bone was mended. She warned me to be gentle with it- no heavy lifting or strenuous exercise for two weeks. When I walked out of her office, the irritation I had been feeling for the last few days seemed to seep out of me.

"Akiyasu!" An annoying voice called out from behind me. I slowed down my walk for him to catch up, but didn't bother turning around. In no time, Hizashi had reached me and fell into step beside me. "Haven't seen much of you lately, everything okay?"

I waved him off. "The kids keep me busy."

"I still can't believe you guys started your own family!" He gushed mostly to himself, literal hearts in his eyes.

"Yeah, it's great." I mumbled, my mind wandering back to the villains that were trying to take my children.

"Doesn't sound like it." He questioned.

For Her | Sequel to 'Number 7' | Aizawa x OC FanficWhere stories live. Discover now