Two: What To Do?

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Akiyasu had been a lot more stressed out than usual the past couple days. Ever since we had found out about Echiko's double quirk, she seemed restless, agitated, and distracted. In all the time I had known her, I was able to recognize when she was spacing out, and that was becoming more common too.

It had only been two months since we discovered Echiko's erasing quirk, but in that time, it had become painfully obvious that Akiyasu's mental health was suffering.

With a sigh, I walked into our joint dorm room, my hand hidden behind my back, and greeted my girlfriend with a kiss on the cheek. "Good evening, beautiful."

Red blush tinted her cheeks as she continued to chop up some pears I assumed were for Eri. "Good evening to you too...handsome?" She replied awkwardly.

With a wide smile I've been told looks creepy, I revealed my hands to present her the bouquet of flowers I had picked up at a local store. An assortment of roses around a single pink lotus.

Her violet eyes widened and she dropped the knife to take the bouquet from my hands. "What are these for?"

"Just something to say 'I love you.'" I replied, leaning down so she could give me a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you, Shota, they're beautiful!" She gushed, sliding her free arm between my arm and torso and giving me a hug. In response, I wrapped both of my arms around her entirely, pressing her small body into my own.

"How would you like to go out for dinner? We can get Mirio and Midoriya to babysit."

"Interesting. Any special reason?"

"Everyone needs a break sometimes. You haven't been out to a restaurant in months, so I figured you might want to get out for a couple hours." I answered honestly.

"I guess I haven't been hiding my stress too well, huh?" She went to a cupboard and retrieved a vase before going to the sink and filling it half way with water. In one quick movement, she slipped the stems of the flowers into the vase and carefully placed the bouquet on the counter. When she turned to face me again, she grabbed both sides of my face and planted one long kiss to my lips. "I will go to dinner with you." With that, she turned back to the counter and continued to cut the pears.

Coming up behind her, I slid my arms around her torso and rested my cheek on the top of her head. "Good, I don't think I could handle you rejecting me." I joked.

"Hush up and give these to Eri." She replied with a sly smile on her lips, handing me the plate of diced pears.

I obliged, taking the plate and turning to the table to find Eri patiently sitting in her chair with a smile on her face, her legs swinging freely back and forth beneath the table. "Here you go." I gave her a small smile- a smile only she was allowed to see- and placed the plate gently in front of her. "Would you like a spoon?"

She made a face at me that showed disapproval. "No, no, chopsticks."

"Oh, forgive me, Princess Eri." I said in a mock tone before bowing and backing up toward one of our utensil drawers. Akiyasu placed the chopsticks in the hand behind my back and I formally offered Eri both of them. She giggled before taking the chopsticks and setting them up in her tiny hand.

"Thank you!"

"You are welcome, your grace."

She giggled again and began to eat her fruit as I faced Akiyasu once more. "Be ready by 6:30." With that, I pressed one last kiss to the place behind her ear, sending chills down her spine. "I'll make reservations."

For Her | Sequel to 'Number 7' | Aizawa x OC FanficWhere stories live. Discover now