Eighteen: Fall Out

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Echiko shrieked loudly at Eri as the two played together on the floor. I grabbed my baby by her hands, her little fingers wrapping around my index fingers to distract her from Eri. Anything that Eri had, Echiko wanted too. But I refused to let Echiko believe that she was entitled to anything of Eri's. Learning started at a young age, after all.

It was important to me that Eri didn't feel put second to my biological daughter. I wanted Eri to know she was just as important and her feelings mattered equally. So, whenever Echiko would get possessive of objects Eri was playing with, I would interfere to distract.

Making faces at the baby, she began to laugh at me, forgetting about the toy in Eri's hand now that she couldn't see it. Object permanence was a weird phenomena to me, but if it stopped her from crying then I had no complaints.

"Why are you home with us today?" Eri asked me, her large red eyes peering up at me with curiosity.

"I'm on vacation." I lied, not wanting her to worry about me. She had enough of her childhood taken away from her, she didn't need to worry about me on top of all of that.

"Vacation?" She asked, cocking her head to the side.

"It means to take a break from work and school."

"Oh!" She smiled and looked at her toy. "I like vacation."

I giggled at her. "Me too."

"When do you have to go back?"

"I'm not sure yet. Probably not for a while."

She nodded her head vigorously. "Oh good. I miss you."

I stiffened my upper lip, trying not to cry. Why is she so cute?

Opening my arms, I offered her a hug, which she accepted, crawling over and into my lap. Wrapping my arms around her, I squeezed her tight. "I miss you too, sweetheart."

"Akiyasu-san?" She asked, clinging to my arm but tilting her head back to look at me.


"Are you my mom?"

The question caught me off guard. Aizawa and I had yet to legally adopt her. We wanted to make sure she wanted to be with us first. We didn't want to make the decision for her.

"Do you want me to be your mom?" I asked her in turn, looking down at her and waiting for her answer.

She looked away, contemplating something before she smiled and looked back up at me. "I think you're my mom already."

Tears welled in my eyes and I hugged her tighter.

She suddenly looked as if I had kicked her. "Why are you crying? Do you... not want me?"

"No no no, baby!" I quickly corrected, kissing the top of her head. "I'm crying because I'm happy, not because I'm sad. I would love to be your mom."

Her smile reappeared. "Is Shota my dad?"

"If you want him to be. We love having you in our family."

"I like being here." She commented, looking to Echiko. "Everyone here is nice to me."

"You can stay with us as long as you want to." I assured her. "We can even make you our daughter officially, if you want."

Her brows cinched together. "How?"



"Yes, it means you will be our daughter and no one can take you away from us."

For Her | Sequel to 'Number 7' | Aizawa x OC FanficWhere stories live. Discover now