Nine: Hosu

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Shota's arm pressed firmly against mine as we both stood around a support pole on the subway. Our bags had been packed, our checklists had been triple checked, and our goodbyes to Eri and Echiko were hard. Eri didn't stop crying the entire time we talked and drove away. She was still crying as I looked out the back window of the taxi. Echiko couldn't have been more oblivious to what was happening, but fussed when I handed her over to the people we chose to care for them while we were gone. We both agreed that keeping them on campus would be the safest, and there were several caregivers assigned to her, but the arms we placed her in were Mirio's.

"We'll be back soon." Shota had said to him.

Mirio nodded, his usual look of determination on his face. "I won't let anyone hurt them."

"I know." Shota sounded genuine, fully trusting Mirio and the others to protect our daughters.

Sighing, I shifted my weight to the other foot and accidentally bumped Shota sideways just as the subway hit a bump. He lurched but recovered and shot me a glare. "That was rude."

"I didn't do it on purpose, I'm sorry." I started off strong, but by the time I reached the apology, I had snickered.

"Apology accepted. Where are we going to stay in Hosu?"

"I talked to Pisces' assistant on the phone," I paused to make a gagging sound at a hero having "an assistant" instead of just communicating to others like a normal person. "She said that Pisces rented us a high security hotel room."

"A hotel? You're joking, right?"

"Nope." I made a popping with my lips to show my sarcastic annoyance.

"We're going after the League of Villains and they expect us to stay in a hotel room?" He whispered to me between his teeth, making sure only I can hear.

"Well, it is a high security one." I joked, but he looked unamused.

"We're getting something different than a hotel." He decided flatly.

I nodded, relenting so I wouldn't have to dwell on a conversation I didn't care for in the first place.

The longer we were on the train, the closer we got to Hosu, and therefore closer to the League.

The League, who had nearly killed Shota and I in USJ. Who had killed my mother and kidnapped Shota to get to me. Who had tortured me for days. Who had used a mind control drug on me and turned everyone against me. Who were now trying to kidnap my daughters. My chest felt tight as I thought about it and ice began to crystallize on the pole I was clutching onto.

Shota's hand came down on my shoulder and he used his thumb to rub a comforting circle into my muscles. "It's not too late to go back."

I was silent for a while, trying to figure out what to say and how to say it. "I've been wanting to run from the League every day since Echiko was born. Running won't solve our problems. We need to put the League away for good. Only then will we have some damn peace."

"You always put the weight of the world on your shoulders. Villains will still fall without your help, Akiyasu."

"Not these ones. These ones are going to fall with my help. They wanted my attention and now they have it."

Shota only hummed in response.

~Time Skip~

Pisces' building was as big as mine, several stories high, and just as confusing to navigate. Shota and I had to ask several receptionists for directions and still managed to get lost at least four times. When we finally found the meeting room, it was filled with several other heroes and hero assistants. They were all seated at one large table, and at the head stood a woman dressed in a sea foam green hero suit. Somehow, she was shorter than I was and modeled platinum blonde hair atop a beautiful face.

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