Thirty Four: Expect the Unexpected

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Sleeping in my own bed was impossible. After getting my daughter back, I would stay on the couch all night, wide awake, listening to the silence and waiting for any sign of something bad happening. Despite the school upping the security system, I still did not feel safe. Every sound in the night had me on edge, running into the girl's room to make sure everything was okay.

It took me several weeks to accept that I had been traumatized by this. Emotional trauma was no laughing matter. The sleep I lost was bad enough, but losing control of my mental health was worse. Jumping at every sound, never wanting to be away from my kids, constantly so worried about them that I felt ill every day.

Pretending that I wasn't as messed up as I was seemed to be an even harder feat to accomplish. It was bad enough that Shota had to worry about the girls like I did, but trying to avoid him worrying about me was like jumping through moving hoops. I was the last thing he needed to worry about right now- over his students, his kids, and himself. Maybe that came with the territory of being married, but I still felt guilty for not being at one hundred percent. I wanted to be okay. For him and my kids. But wanting and being were two different things.

The more I worried and the more I worried others, the more I hated the League. The pressure of that hate built in my chest dangerously.

These people had murdered my mom, endangered my life, Shota's life, and my children's lives. They had taken everything from me. They had targeted our students, destroyed our sense of safety and security. And now, there was no end in sight. When were we going to be able to put an end to this reign of terror on ourselves and our loved ones?

This wouldn't be over until they were dead. I had decided that recently. Even if they lost interest in Eri, I would never feel safe until they were gone.

Shota might not agree with me. Killing people? It had always been off limits for heroes. Hawks and myself were the only ones with a kill record. It would be unfair of me to even ask him to agree. So, I said nothing. Instead, I plotted quietly. The next time any of them dared to show their face around me, I would not hold back. I was the only one who had the guts to end this. Or maybe I was the only one they had fucked with enough to earn my intense hatred.

Either way, I had made my decision. Whether it be Dabi, Toga, or Shigaraki himself, anyone that continued to terrorize me and my family would be at my mercy. And I had no more mercy left to give.

So, when I had the mental capacity to stop obsessing over my daughters, I managed to leave the dorm. My next stop was to visit our local prison.

The officers seated me in a private room where I waited for them to bring Maiyu in. There were questions I needed answers to, and she was the only one I had access to.

They brought the white haired girl into the room and sat her down across from me before securing her handcuffs to the table so she couldn't do anything, not that I expected her to.

"You can leave." I directed at the officers, who begrudgingly left the room, but stayed right outside the door.

Now, Maiyu and I were alone, staring at each other in uncomfortable silence. She leaned over the table and rested her chin on top of her knuckles, blinking at me.

"So, we meet again." She smirked at me, tilting her head to the side. "What have I done to deserve a visit from a top ten pro?"

"I had some questions. I was hoping you could give me some answers."

"That depends." She replied quickly, leaning away from me. "I don't have the answers to everything."

This time, I leaned forward, regarding her with a serious look. "It's about the League."

For Her | Sequel to 'Number 7' | Aizawa x OC FanficWhere stories live. Discover now