Seven: Christmas Eve of Surprises

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Akiyasu - December 24th

Running down the grocery aisle with Echiko tucked into the shopping cart child seat, I made a beeline for the potatoes, hoping there would still be a bag on the shelf. I cursed myself for forgetting my favorite Christmas dinner food when shopping last week, but I didn't have a time traveling quirk so I had to make due with running.

Echiko babbled in her spot, holding herself up pretty well now that she was seven months old.

Once I reached the end of the aisle, my eyes desperately searched the barren shelf until I reached the bottom and spotted a single bag of potatoes. Sighing in relief, I snatched the bag from the shelf and sprinted to the front of the grocery store where the grocery clerk gave me a warm smile and told me my total.

Apologizing for being the customer who goes to a store on Christmas Eve, I paid for the potatoes and handed her an extra twenty dollars. "Merry Christmas!" I said in English before snatching Echiko out of the cart and placing her on my hip while I ran my cart to the cart stall. The clerk yelled "Merry Christmas" after me and I smiled widely at her before disappearing into the parking lot, a baby in one arm and a sack of potatoes in the other.

The walk to my car was short as the parking lot was empty and I was able to park close to the front door. I flung the car door open with my quirk using only my index finger and plopped the potatoes onto the seat before leaning in and gently placing Echiko into her car seat, which was rear faced to protect her spine in the case of an accident. After she was safely buckled in, I pulled myself out of the back seat only to bump into a cart. At first, I assumed it was mine and I reached back to move it only to be met with someone jerking it out of my grasp.

"Watch where you're going." The voice snapped, irritating me immediately.

"There's plenty of room to walk in the parking lot, there's no reason you have to be so close to-" I had been talking away from him at first and turned around only to be met with the last face I wanted to see. Shigaraki.

Swiftly, I slammed my back door shut and blocked his view of Echiko, activating my quirk without a second thought. "You have three seconds before I send you 15 feet into the concrete." I threatened him, making no sudden move since we were so close in proximity. He was close enough to touch me, which meant he could use his quirk.

Shigaraki rose his hands defensively and took a few steps back, leaving his cart between us. "No need to be so violent, Element. I only wanted to see darling Echiko."

I laughed in his face and used my wind to blow him back, his body sliding into the middle of the street. Secretly, I hoped a car would run him over, but the parking lot was still rather abandoned on the eve of the holiday.

"You're so aggressive now. Two months ago you split poor Toga's head open. She needed 15 stitches, you know?" He said in a chastising tone.

"Yeah, well, I also killed my bio mom, so, are you really that surprised?"

Shigaraki laughed dryly and scratched his neck. "A true villain."

I didn't let his words bother me. The truth of the spectacle was enough for me to brush it off entirely. "What's your game, Shigaraki? You think you're going to take my daughter from right under my nose?"

"Of course not. But let's not forget I took a grown man from you with ease. An infant would be no problem at all."

An angry smile touched my face and I shook my head threateningly. "You really need to learn to shut up."

"Oh, so now heroes want to silence us?"

"Good strawman, you sound like a whiny child."

Shigaraki rolled his eyes at me, a gesture I could barely see through the hand that covered his face. "I'm growing bored. Let's get right to the point."

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