Thirty Three: Reunited

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A/N: these last couple chapters have been emotionally exhausting, jeez.

As I shot down the dirt road, I looked over to Shota, who was inspecting Echiko carefully.

"Is it true? Is that really her?" I asked, my hands shaking as I drove.

"She could be a clone." He answered.

"Twice is dead." Maiyu reminded us. "That's really her. Toga handed her to me when we got to our base the day we kidnapped her. But there was something about the way you cried." Maiyu looked at me and I shared a look with her in the rear view mirror before turning my attention back to the road. "It was the worst thing I've ever heard. So, I took the baby and ran off. I've been trying to get away from the League ever since, but they've been tracking me. I wanted to return her earlier, but you ended up in the hospital and it was impossible to find a way to contact you."

"You had her this whole time?" I asked for clarification.


Looking to Shota, I felt tears brim my eyes. "That's why they couldn't find her when they were looking at the body signatures. She was never with them." I breathed the words out as if this was the first time I had taken a real breath in several days.

Shota only pressed Echiko into his chest, his eyes closed as he hugged her. Silent tears flowed down his face as he held onto her, a look of utter relief and joy in his expression.

"It's really her." I breathed out again, choking up as emotion gripped my throat. "Oh god, she's alive." It felt like I was dreaming. How many times before had I dreamed that she was alive and with us again? They all felt real. But this time, it actually was. Covering my mouth, I began to sob, completely overwhelmed with emotion.

"Let me drive." Shota said and I complied, pulling over and switching spots with him without getting out of the car.

As soon as I was settled into the seat with Echiko in my arms, I pressed her into my chest and cried into her hair, instant peace settling over me as Shota drove off. I couldn't help but shower her in kisses, in complete and utter euphoria that I would be given such an incredible blessing.

"Thank you, Maiyu." I whispered loud enough for her to hear. "Thank you so much."

Maiyu remained silent.

~Time Skip~

Shota held onto our daughter as we sat in the chairs facing across from Maiyu. Keigo and a detective I didn't know were also in the room, the detective seated beside us as Keigo paced the room.

"So, you just decided to give the child back? For no reason?" The detective asked again, raising an eyebrow at the girl.

"There was a reason." She answered calmly. "Taking that baby from her family was wrong."

"Bullshit." Keigo intervened. "Since when have you cared about right or wrong? You were the one who was attached at the hip with Dabi. He's murdered over a dozen people. Now you want us to believe you suddenly care about doing the right thing?"

"I've never killed any body!" She defended herself.

"Yes you have!" He yelled back at her. "Dabi told me that you killed someone before!"

"He was a child predator!" She yelled, slamming her hands on the table. "He deserved what he got and I didn't have control of my quirk back then!"

"But you still killed him!"

"You killed Twice!" She growled at him, her eyes narrowing as she licked her sharp teeth.

Keigo fell silent.

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