Thirteen: You Again

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This Nomu wasn't like the ones that had attacked the city over a year ago. No, this one was much more like the one that had attacked the USJ. The worst Nomu again. It was built like a rock, it's muscles bulging in a way that was inhuman. The creature was charcoal grey and resembled a vampire bat in the face. Attached to it's arms of muscle were leather-like wings and just like the others, it's brain was exposed.

"It''s a Nomu?" Hawks' voice was distorted and seemed to be breaking up through the ear piece, but I could still decipher his words.

"...fuck." I whispered, earning a simple nod from Aizawa.

"I know you heroes think I've been focusing all my attention on the children, but I can multi task, you know. The Nomu was so promising when I tried to destroy All Might. But with him gone, there's nothing stopping me from producing another who's just as powerful. One that can destroy all the other heroes in my way. I've already seen what my first one could do to you two. You were practically dead within a few minutes. How do you plan on stopping this one from killing all these officers? From killing you?"

Shota and I both flinched slightly at his words.

"Without you two in my way, I can achieve everything I've been working so hard for. So who will it be? The officers? Or your children? Who will you choose to protect?"

Without hesitating, I kicked the stroller over, causing the dummy baby to fall onto the sidewalk. It was lifeless and just rolled to a stop. "You really must be stupid to think we'd actually bring them here." I growled at him.

Shota picked the dummy Eri up off the ground and dangled it by its arm. Using his scarf, he wrapped it tightly around the dummy's midsection and tightened it until the dummy dissolved into dust.

Shigaraki scowled. "How dare you try to play me for a fool."

"You are a fool. You revealed your weapon to us. You really think we wouldn't realize you were intentionally luring us back into the city?"

Shigaraki waved his hand at me dismissively. "I could kill you in any city I want. I just needed to kill you closer to your children so there wouldn't be a delay in me taking them after you were dead. I wouldn't want any of these heroes to take them into hiding before I could get back here from Hosu."

"You're overly confident. We can defeat your monsters before you could get your hands on them." I glared at him with determination.

"What makes you so sure?" He challenged me. Quickly, he side stepped to his left and the Nomu shot forward. This one was just as fast as the USJ one. Both Aizawa and I reacted at the same time, jumping out of the way of it's attack. It'a clawed fingers swiped at us, just barely missing our skin.

Aizawa found shelter at the top of a building while I back flipped and landed a few feet down the street. Since I remained at it's level, the Nomu decided to come after me and ignore Aizawa. It again shot forward and swiped at me, this time it's claws making contact with the skin on my abdomen. But I was too fast for it, the injury was only as bad as a cat scratch, barely drawing blood. Still, it had managed to rip through both my street clothing and my hero suit. As I jumped away from the creature, I shed my street clothes one by one until only my hero suit remained.

My eyes flickered around momentarily as I tried to find Shota. I caught a glimpse of him going after both Shigaraki and Dabi on his own. Please be safe, please be safe, please be safe. I repeated the words to myself over and over as if they would offer him protection from harm.

"Do you guys need me?" Hawks asked over the Bluetooth.

"When I say." I replied quietly.

"No." Was all Shota said, his calm apathetic voice ringing into my ear from the earpiece.

For Her | Sequel to 'Number 7' | Aizawa x OC Fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن