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Hezial's POV

I found my seat after searching for like ages. Hailey was sitting there while taking selfies. Once she noticed me she shouted "Oh my god. Haze. Thank god your safe. I thought I lost you". I hugged her and said "Your such a drama queen. I'm fine as you can see. Now you enjoy this match while I try to wrap my head around it". She giggled and said "that's my baby. I'll explain the rules while the game is going on hmmm?". I nodded and we both sat next to each other. Our seat was in the third row. I saw many people and kids wearing the same jersey as me. Mostly girls. I shrugged and looked down on the field. The players started coming out one by one and the stadium erupted with cheers.

There was a little time so I quickly took a picture of the little kids cheering for the players. The referee blew the whistle indicating that the match has started. It was the first 10 minutes when I remembered to find the person named Havertz. Luckily I found him quickly. I was not able to see his face because his back was facing me. I tried to take a look at his face when the ball came to him. But he quickly started running towards the opponents goal. And god he was fast. Two players were coming to block him. Oh he's gonna lose the ball better pass it to someone. But I was proven wrong. He did some awesome move and just like that he was past the two players. I thought he was going to shoot but he passed the ball to another player. Ohh I wanted to see him score. 

The other player shot the ball towards the goal but the keeper caught it. That was a nice pass. Even a beginner like me can tell that it was a nice pass. The ball was now in the opponents control. It seemed like the Chelsea players were having trouble getting the ball back. And before anyone could get the ball a player from the other team kicked the ball and bam. It hit the back of the net. Man. Time was running out and the players were rushing towards the other goal. But before they could get a goal in the referee blew the whistle. I looked at Hailey and she looked like she was about to cry. I patted her back and said "don't be sad". She nodded with determination and said "right they have another half they can still score". I looked at her and said "wasn't that it?". She shook her head and said "no. Haze in football there are two half's. First half is 45 minutes long. Same with the second half". I nodded and said "so when will the next half start". "in fifteen minutes ".

The fifteen minutes passed fast and the players where back in their position. At the start of the half Chelsea struggled to win the ball. Now they were playing extra time. Come on score already. As I said that the Havertz guy shot the ball towards the goal. And man that goal was amazing. It had so much power in it. He started running towards our stand. He stood exactly in front of our side. I was able to see his face clearly. It was him. The guy from before. His eyes looked like he was searching for someone. That's when his eyes met mine. He smiled and I could have sworn that I felt a weird feeling in my stomach. His bright smile. I smiled back at him and he mouthed 'told ya'. I just giggled and mouthed 'thank you'. He smiled and his team mates tackled him to the ground.

The match ended and Hailey was in deep thought. She looked at me while walking towards the exit and said "who do you think he was looking for in the crowd? I'm Damn sure his eyes were searching for someone". I knew the answer to those questions but I just said "who knows. Maybe you are just over thinking this". She nodded and said "can you wait her for a while I'll be back I need to use the restroom". I nodded. "Don't go anywhere or don't get lost". She half shouted. I took my phone and uploaded the pictures I took in my Instagram account. "Hi". I looked at the owner of the voice and saw "Havertz".

He looked at me and said "so was I able to keep my promise?". I nodded and said "Yeah. You just got yourself a new fan". He punched the air and said "yes". He looked so cute while doing that. He suddenly turned shy and said "would I get a reward for keeping my promise?". He was so cute how could I say no. I don't usually talk to people like this but with him it's different. It felt like I can talk to him about anything. Everyone I liked or had a crush on my sister or just used me to get close to Hailey. Even all my friends were fakes. So in short I never had a true friend. And this guy probably doesn't know about her so I can be friends with him right? As long as he doesn't know about Hailey he can be a friend of mine.

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