What is this feeling?

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Hezial's POV

I was in a office that the staff gave me for the time that I'm working here. I was checking, updating and arranging all the files in right places. It was past already past 8 pm. While looking at the records of the players I learned that they have a history of injuries. I kept the last file in its place and I was finally done for the day. I sat on the chair and leaned back. I hard my phone ringing and saw Hailey's name. I picked it up she said "where are you? I'm waiting at the ice cream parlour. Come here already. Oh and Mason, Kai and for some unknown reason Tammy, Christian and Reece are here too. Did you invite them?". I sighed and said "no I didn't invite them. I think Mason or Kai did. Or they just crashed with them. Could be any thing. But do I really have to go?". "you kidding me right? You planned this. Of course you have to come. I'll send the Address. It's not far just come here quickly". With that she ended the call.

I locked the door and walked to the Address she sent me. It wasn't long just 10 minutes away. I was tired as hell. Once I entered I saw them sitting far away in a corner. I walked up to them and said "Hey. Sorry to keep you waiting. Did you order?". Hailey nodded and said "yup. I ordered for you". I just hummed and sat next Kai since it was the only seat left. I rested my head on the table and Hailey said "you tired?". I nodded my head and said "Yeah. There were so many files. And my stupid self walked all the way here". She giggled and said "oh honey this is nothing. I think your forgetting something". When she finished that sentence I jolted up and sat straight in my seat. The others were shocked by my sudden action.

I groaned and leaned on Kai's shoulder. He just let me and continued to play on his phone. Tammy and Christian were giving each other looks. What's wrong with them? The waitress came with our orders. Judging form the way she was eyeing the boys it was a bit uncomfortable. I looked at the boys and they were just being them. I don't know if they are oblivious or just acting. Tammy and Christian were discussing something. Mason and and Hailey were busy talking. Reece was showing something to Kai. Am I the only one who is noticing this? The waitress kept the menu on the table. But for Kai's order she came near us and kept his order in front of him.

While taking her hand back she brushed her hands against his. Once he looked at her she said "sorry. But I'm a big fan of your and I would like to take a picture with you. If you don't mind that is". He gave her a smile and just stood up. She gave her phone to Mason and stood next to Kai. They had a good distance between them. But she suddenly got a lot closer and wrapped one of her hand around his". I didn't know why but for some reason I didn't like it. She took phone back form Mason saying a thank you. Before she left she hugged Kai. She wrapped her hands around his neck. He didn't hug her back but patted her upper back once. The unknown feeling was growing.

I looked away and started eating my ice cream. I couldn't even enjoy my ice cream because of that feeling. After we were done we sat there and talked for a bit. Others not me. I didn't want to talk to anyone at the moment. I looked at Kai and saw he had lipstick mark on his white shirt. Must be form when she hugged him. We all were out and Kai paid. The other three went home leaving Mason, Hailey, Kai and I alone. Mason looked at Hailey and said "how are you ladies going home?". Hailey shrugged and said "cab". He shook his head and said "let me drop you two off". Hailey nodded and we were making our way to the car but Kai grabbed my wrist softly and said "actually I want talk to her about something. Do you mind if I take her? I'll drop her off in my car". Hailey nodded and said "okay. But don't keep her out too late". Kai nodded and we both made our way to his car.

Once we sat inside the car he started driving towards my house. Since Mason was driving in front of us he just followed mason's car. Soon enough we reached my house. Hailey bid goodbye to Mason and walked inside the house. Once Mason was out of the driveway Kai pulled in and said "wait". With that said he got off of the car and opened the door for me. I stepped out and he closed the door. He leaned against his car and said "so what's wrong? Is something bothering you?". I shook my head and he said "Come on Zia. I can tell that much". "Yeah. But I myself don't know what exactly it is".

As I finished my sentence he pulled me in for a hug and said "what are you feeling tell me. I'm all ears". I nodded but hesitated before saying "Kai". He hummed in response and I felt him tightly wrap his arms around my waist. "I don't know what it is. But earlier when that waitress was touching you hand, hugging you arm and even hugged you. She even left her lipstick mark on your shirt. I don't know but for some reason I didn't like it. I hated it in fact. I don't know what this feeling is. All I know is that I don't like it one bit". He chuckled and said "I know what that is but, Zia I think you should figure it out yourself". I lightly smacked the back of his head and again tighten the hug. He did the same and said "but still. Until and after you figure what that feeling is. Always remember I'm here for you. I'm yours. So don't let that feeling bother you. I mean if it comes back. But I will try to not to make you feel like that". I blushed at his words especially that 'I'm yours' part but, still it assured me that I was not losing him any time soon. 

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