XX. You Can't Script This

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He returns to me not soon enough, holding a steaming paper cup of something brown and sweet smelling. I take it hesitantly as he climbs back beside me, my body welcoming his familiar warmth.
"What is it?" I sniff the sweet brew.
"It's hot chocolate," he says, wrapping his arms around me again, taking the reins. I raise a brow.
"Is it going to make me drunk?"
He chuckles sweetly. "It's exactly as it sounds- though I'm sure it'd taste delicious if you poured something strong in there."
I snort, bringing the cup to my lips, sipping slowly, careful not to burn my tongue. My eyes flutter shut and I groan the second the flavor meets my tongue. Eris raises a mocking brow. "Like it?"
An understatement. "Love it," I reply. "You didn't get yourself a cup?"
"No," he replies, looking forward as I look back at him. "I can't really hold a drink while holding the reins."
"Open your mouth," I tell him quickly, a helpless grin on my face. His amber eyes are dazzling as he smirks down at me, his breath clouding beside my cheek.
I roll my eyes. "You ask too many questions," I smirk, slipping my fingers onto his chin, nudging his mouth open, bringing the hot chocolate to his mouth. He sips, licking his pretty lips as I pull the drink away.
"Needs marsh mallows," he says simply, and my mouth drops open.
"By the cauldron, people put marsh mallows in this?" I gape, and he chuckles.
The palace we stay in is made of ice, but it's charmed to be warm. Comfortable. When I wake up in the morning, I find it's still not warm enough without Eris' heat up against me. Still, the hot oatmeal we're given for breakfast helps.
Kalias, Vivienne, and Imelda would be returning to the capitol today, taking us on an outing with a few Winter Court members. Ice skating, they had told me. I shiver at the thought. I can hardly stand on my own two feet, let alone skates.
Still, I dress today in black, skin-tight, fleece pants, a massive plum sweater, and a grey, knee-length coat. I even put on a pair of knit lavender mittens and matching hat and scarf. It's gonna be cold outside for hours, and I'm not nearly as well adjusted as the winter folk, nor as naturally warm as Eris.
He was already well awake before I rose from sleep, sipping on a warm espresso, filing some sort of paper work with the sexiest pair of glasses on. It's positively endearing, the frames pushed down his nose, the look of concentration on his cute face as he chews on his pen.
"Good morning," he had said, finally noticing me. I smile weakly in return, trying not to blush. "We leave soon."
I nod, slipping into the seat beside him. "What are you doing?"
He slides the top document over to me, his strong, elegant fingers flexed against the text. It takes me a second to look away from his beautiful hand and his exposed forearms- displayed by the pushed up sleeves of his button up- and read the document. "It's a mission report from my spies," he tells me. "They report to me from my father's camps as well as other courts."
I raise a brow. "And exactly how many spies do you have?"
He shrugs. "I hate surprises," he replies simply.
Then he must hate me.
"And what have they reported to you today?" I ask, glancing at the wordy document that I'm far more interested in hearing in summary than reading in full.
He hesitates, glancing at my ring. I can tell it's not easy for him to believe that anyone is on his team. I think, in some sick way, it helps him trust me to know that our fates are intertwined.
"I have them planting seeds of dissent among my father's men, making them loyal and hopeful for his heir," he explains quietly, pushing his glasses up onto his forehead, his hair pushed back save for a single auburn strand that dangles across his brow. It makes it hard to focus. "That heir being me, of course. I've gotten close with the legions. I've offered personal support and finances for the men and women."
"So if insurrection strikes..." I tilt my head, considering. "You have an army thats loyal to you, not your father."
He nods. "So far, it's working. I've managed to encourage seven of fourteen legions to defect, renouncing my father," he tells me, a beam of pride in his amber eyes. Also a glint. A glint of the challenge of an unfinished job. "They have deserted their posts and gone to hide out within the caves of the Feral mountains until they are called upon by me, whom they are loyal to. My father has just assumed they've defected to other courts."
Clever. "And how many legions do you need before you can stand against him?"
He shakes his head. "It's not entirely a matter of armed forces," he replies. "It's also a matter of timing. With your father as his new ally, I can't mistime it. I certainly cannot do a thing before I marry you and establish myself as capable of having an heir through marriage."
A scoff bibles from my throat. "How romantic."
He chuckles ruggedly. "I didn't figure semantics would bother you at this point," he smirks. "But you can relax. I don't want you pregnant in the foreseeable future, much less do I want to be a father."
"Good," I reply. "And what else are you waiting for?"
"A lot of things," he leans back in his seat, looking me over. "You, for one."
He nods. "Your power still hasn't returned yet, but I could see you being quite the asset- especially against your father."
My lightning tingles on my fingertips with excitement. "I love it when you talk revenge to me," I purr, biting my lip.
He rolls his eyes. "I know you do," he says, filing all his papers back into his folder. "That's why I need you to be patient. Ready to go?" He extends a hand to help me up. I nod, letting his lead me to the frozen lake.
"I'm convinced this is a throne tactic," I swear to Eris, clutching his arm for dear life.
He raises a brow. "A throne tactic?"
I nod. "A way to make yourself look bigger and better than your guest, a flaunt," I reply, glaring at Kalias and Vivienne, who skate with utter ease on the frozen lake, easier than walking.
Eris chuckles at me, bearing the pressure my fingers exert on his arm. "Maybe you're just clumsy."
"Of course in just clumsy!" I narrow my eyes at him. "But I like having someone to blame."
He chuckles, skating behind me with too much ease, dropping his hands onto my shoulders. "I know you do- now keep your knees bent but locked," he tells me. "I'm going to get you used to the terrain."
He slowly starts to skate behind me, pushing me foreword, wrapping an arm around me until I can stand to move without stumbling. I scowl at him as he skates backwards, watching me. "I don't understand why you're good at this."
He shrugs. "It feels natural for me. Fluid."
"I feels slippery," I mumble, latching onto him before I bang my ass on the ice. He laughs sweetly.
Kalias and Vivienne skate up beside us, smiling warmly. "She reminds me of my first time taking Viv skating when we were kids." Kalias says fondly, kissing his mate's cheek.
Vivienne scoffs. "I was only pretending to fall," she rolls her eyes. "I was just trying to flirt with you, but you couldn't get a clue."
I chuckle, holding onto Eris with bruising strength. "I wish I could say the same, but I'm not sure I'm this good of an actress," I tell them. The irony in the statement makes Eris laugh, and I elbow him playfully.
"The trick is a stable base," Vivienne tells me sweetly. Maybe that was my problem. I always had the legs of a new born colt. "The rest of it is all finesse."
I huff, letting go of Eris, wobbling forward like a baby deer. I actually make it pretty far on pure luck, smiling happily.
"Good," Vivienne calls. "Now turn around."
Clumsily, I do, taking baby step in a circle until I'm facing them again. Eris, the asshole, smirks at the difficulty, but I don't even care. I'm doing it. I skate back towards them.
My pride falters, though, a foot away from them when my pick gets stuck in the ice and I fly forward, crashing onto Eris. Honestly, it's satisfying enough to feel him crash into the ice under me, groaning in pain as I land on his chest, wiping that taunting smirk off his face. Still, I feel a little remorse.
"Sorry," I wince, still leaned into his warm chest, our skates tangled.
He sighs, shutting his eyes. "That's alright," he manages, a groan of pain, a release of breath as he fixes my hat.
"I wonder why you didn't try that move on me," Kalias murmurs to his mate, who chuckles vividly.
"I didn't think of it," she replies as I stare at Eris. "But I think you would've caught the hint sooner if I had."
I chuckle, tipping my forehead onto Eris' chest. I really couldn't have even planned this better. You can't script something like this. And as Eris' arm rubs my back gently, the two of us laughing quietly as Vivienne and Kalias skate away, I find that you can't script the blush on my cheeks either.

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