43. Past Deceit

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"We met only three days ago," Lord Burton complains haughtily. "Why the urgency, My Lord?"

"We had only hoped to discuss the budget for this year to come," Nephele says calmly, sitting up straighter.

"What is there to discuss?" Burton laughs. "I know you're a bit new to this, but economic responsibility generally rolls over every year. It's almost tradition."

"I wonder, Lord Burton, in your years of service to the court, if you've ever read the laws of the land," Neph bites back. "Because I'm sure you'd recall the proclamation that the fiscal interpretations are meant to be discussed at the end of every year and rearranged how the High Power sees fit."

That's the stake that the nobles had in being here. From taxation, the crown was given a certain amount of money. That budget was then separated amongst the dukes in proportion to what they are instructed to manage. Trade, lumber, and agriculture tend to be some of the higher budgeted areas.

Burton has historically managed commerce, swaying things in his favor, lining his pockets with his seemingly endless budget. But Neph and I have no plans of leaving him that responsibility this year, and I think Burton could tell. His face falls.

"But, my Lord," he turns to me frantically. "Changing the arrangements... it would disrupt the balance of power we have among ourselves as nobles."

"Good," I reply blandly. "I have every intention of rewarding loyalty."

"If this is about your brother..."

"The traitor, you mean?" I interrupt him. "No, this isn't about him."

"Traitor is a bold accusation-"

"The truth can be bold sometimes," Nephele says. "Not only did Darian try to kill me, kill Eris, but he also tried to kill Lucien over a century ago, directly defying the reigning High Lord at the time. Treason is a crime punishable by exile."

"But let's not discuss the guilt of a man who isn't around to defend himself presently. There will be plenty time for that- along with further interrogation, which certainly doesn't involve anyone in this room," I say. Darian had been purposely barred from the meeting. He had no place in my court, and he never would. "I just came to pass these out to you," I nod to the servant who distributes the prints among the nobles. "These are copies of the new budget responsibilities for the next year."

"You've put me in charge of fishing?" Burton blurts, appalled. Autumn's fishing industry was a joke.

Nephele shrugs. "Lord Hyron is always on time for meetings. He knows what he's talking about, and his people have a relatively high standard of living under his governance," Nephele tells Burton. "That's why he earned the commerce budget. If you don't like it, do better."

Burton's eye twitches. I can tell he hates that anyone has authority over him, especially a woman. When my father reigned, there wasn't a woman within a hundred yards of the conference room, but with our update to inheritance laws, as nobles retire, the room should start evening out.

"We will take no further questions as there is a traitor meant to be dealt with," I declare, rising, taking Neph's hand. "This meeting is adjourned."

Unhappy chatter breaks around us as we leave, and I can tell this will hardly be the last complaint we hear of it. If they want to defy us, fine. I'll be more than happy to have a reason to get them accused of treason and replace them with anyone infinitely more qualified.

"By the cauldron, the guards might have to drive them from the conference room with a plow," Nephele laughs as we walk purposefully towards Darian's old room.

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