Chapter 40

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The Diary

Chapter 40 


                                               “I woke up wanting to kiss you”

A few other months passed and me and Ashton grew closer than ever. He make me laugh and we share everything together. He helped me so much threw those rough times. And know I'm all better. Well you could say.

I'm still scared that a boy might even touch me but yeah. If you're thinking about Luke, well. He still threatened me, but at least he hasn't done something that bad. Just the usual.

“Hey” “Hey, um Hannah” “Yeah” “Listen wanna hit the road for a bit to see sun down like we do?” “Yeah sure” “Ok let me get the usual from the kitchen.” “Ok I have the beer in the back” “Ok”

Ashton came by cause we had those days were we just go out and have fun, but usually go to this destination were we could see sun down or and that rock us and the group always go to. That place is just amazing.

I found Ashton waiting by the door. “Ready?” “Yeah, let's go” We got out and headed to his truck. I got in Ashton closing the door. After a few seconds we were heading to our destination.

Ashton turned on the radio and we were jamming to some classic rock music. After some time we arrived and headed to side on the back. Ashton opened the the side of the back truck and he sat down.

He got out the blankets and we got comfortable sitting on them, opening two beers. “You want one, yeah?” “Yeah sure if you already opened it” We smiled at each other. Ashton taking a sip, me doing the same.

As I felt with liquid run down my throat, Ashton was staring at me. “What?” I questioned him. “Nothing” I rose an eyebrow “Really? Don't give me that, I know you Ashton, what was that?” “Well, it's just, I'm really happy we met and we're the greatest of friends.” “Oh Ashton”

I said nudging his shoulder. “Yeah I mean it. I don't know what I would do with out you” he said as he looked at me. The sun was down setting, as it was summer now, it would take longer. “Same here” I smiled.

“Thank you” he said. “For what?” “For when the time you needed you came and talked to me, about it” “Oh.... well I didn't have anybody to talk to. And I wouldn't talk to nobody. I changed. I became more shy and scared.

At everything. Even a movement. But I glad it was you the one who I talked to. The one who passed my way. Because you're the amazing est guy I ever talked to, even met. You understood me and you were a good friend. And obviously still are. You're just amazing Ashton”

“Thanks” He said as his head was looking down taking in what I said, then his gaze landed on me again. “I knew I was special to you but not that like I saved you” “Oh you did. I was broken and know from all these months with you Ash, I

feel...better...amazing actually. You made me laugh at dark, lonely times, with your funny jokes. Even those who doesn't even make sense. But I loved them anyway, cause they made me laugh harder when you would ask us about it.

Or the faces you would make. I feel like everything is getting like it was before everything of that happened. You are special to me, like I said awesome-est friend”

I said as I took an other sip of my beer. Me and Ashton continued to talk. Subject changing to another. We were know lying on the back of the tuck, heads on one of the sides legs almost touching the other.

The sky was now pink, purple ish and it was amazing. I begun looking up wards my head resting on the side panel of the truck and breathing the air. At the same time this was relaxing. I took stuff of your mind and the feeling was a amazing.

I opened my eyes, as I looked at the beautiful colours above me. After some time like that I felt Ashton staring at me which resulted me looking at him. I smiled as he did the same. “You ok there?” “Yeah yeah fine” “Al-right”

As we looked and stayed at the stance we were, we just stood like that embracing the nature feeling. But when time passed I felt a hand wrap around my waist. 


Hi guys, sry didn't update school you know. First off helloo to those who are new, thanks for reading. ok this chapter like continues with the next one like 2 parts but yeah and ohhh what happenes. :D Hope you enjoyed reading and like. 

Vote Comment Follow if you like :D 

Stay Awesome Guys


The Diary~ N.H~L.H~A.I PunkTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang