Chapter 24

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The Diary 

Chapter 24


                       I opened my eyes, and tried to adjust them for a bit so I could see clearly. I slightly got up into a sitting position and looked around. I was in a bedroom, and was currently sitting down or you could say lying down on the bed. Where am I?

I remember Niall yelling my name but other than that, nothing. I heard a door open and looked towards it's direction. I saw Harry walking out the door and coming where I was. “You're awake” “Um yeah. What happened?” “You got injected with some type of sleeping serum and go unconscious.” “Oh” was all I said.

“Where am I? Where did you take me?” “Sheesh relax will you” “I will not relax, not after what happened, now tell me where am I?” “Your only at my house” “Well you could've said that” “Yeah I know but I wanted to lighten your mood up, from everything you've been through today” “Lighten my mood? Lighten my mood? Seriously? How's that for lightning my mood, all you did was make my blood boil, if you wanted to lighten up my mood you could've said a joke!”

“Fine. You want to hear a joke?” “No!” “Why not, you said you want to hear one!” “Well not any more” I got out of bed and was now standing. I saw a balcony and made my way towards it. The city looked beautiful, all lit up. “It's a nice view. Isn't it?” “Yeah” I slowly said. Harry made his way towards me and was now behind me.

“Is Niall going to be al-right?” I asked Harry in a whisper. I was scared that they are going to hurt Niall. Harry placed is hand on my shoulder “Let's just hope” Harry gave me a small side hug. “You don't know what that man is capable of” my eyes opened. Now I wasn't scared, I was terrified.

“What?” I said some tears made there may to my eyes. “But don't worry I'm here.” I Just gave a small nod and Harry continued to hug me. I wish Niall is ok. “Hannah” Harry said as he turned me to face him. His hands were on my shoulder reassuring me that everything is going to be fine, but I still was afraid. Afraid that the one I love dies. And to think of it I had fall in love, with a guy I never knew I would fall for. And all this worrying proved it.

“Everything is going to be fine” “I hope” I said as I looked at the city. I made my way to the bed and sat on it. I was looking at nothing in particularly, just staring like a mental person. My mind kept playing scenes from tonight and I couldn't shut it off.

Something flashed before my eyes. When I was slammed to the wall, and I looked at Niall I knew I saw a Logo that I had seen before. That's when it hit me. 'A'. The envelope, it was the same logo.

“What's on your mind, you look like your thinking about something” “That's because I am. Harry that symbol an 'A' what is it?” “Oh that, that's the sign for the gang” “I saw it on an envelope Niall had, and I saw it there now. What does it stand for?”

“It's stands for Anarchy” he said serious. Anarchy, Anarchy. No. Niall isn't like that. Niall isn't in that horrifying gang. Niall isn't a killer. He isn't. “Niall isn't” I said closing my eyes and shaking my head. “Hannah I know it's hard to understand, but he is, but he was forced to join. And believe me he wants to quit but he can't. But I now for sure he is doing everything to protect you”

The Diary~ N.H~L.H~A.I PunkWhere stories live. Discover now