Chapter 44 - Final

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"In the kitchen."

Footsteps could be heard coming from upstairs and making their way to the kitchen. I continued preparing the finishing touches for a very special guest dinner. 

"Can you help me with my tie?"

"It's been, what 20 years and you still don't know how to tie it yourself." I said smiling to myself as I did the knot for my husband, adjusting the tie elegantly and in the proper position around his neck. 

"Well I'm sorry I used to wear them as a rock in roll fashion statement back in our days. I didn't see you complaining back then" he said as he grabbed my ass in his hands with a smirk, coming down for a kiss.  I couldn't help but give a small smile back to him. 

"It's almost 7, they could be here any minute. Everything is organized outside I hope they will like it" 

"Hannah, you are worrying for nothing. They are gonna love it. Jamie's a nice guy. If his parents are anything like him the night is gonna be splendid"

The door bell rang, signaling that company has arrived. 


"What mum?"

"Jamie's here"

I heard her make her way down stairs excited. "Go greet them, I'll continue the last finishing touches outside on the patio" 

Sliding one hand through his hair, his way of taming his long locks, my husband gave me one last big smile as he went to the front door greeting our guests. 

Making my way out on the patio and placing the last few platter blocks on the table I smiled to myself in satisfaction. You may be thinking what had happened to me and Ashton up on that cliff well I can't believe we are here. After we both jumped, I don't remember much. 

I remember feeling something hit my skin as if it were someone who had slapped me hard. Of course it was the ice cold water hitting my skin, and after that I felt a deep slumber over come me. After hours had past, I had heard a deep howling in my ear and a blanket wrapped around me. It was a weird feeling. Normal people tend to say its the cold, we had been washed up against a few rocks at the end of the river between the cliffs but I felt warm. Maybe because of the time we had been there that I had got accustomed to the cold. or it welcomed me with open arms. 

Slowly opening my eyes, my head felt heavy to move. I remember Ashton. I tried to twist and turn only my hand slowly touching the coarse rock underneath my pruney fingertips, but to no avail. In the distance, I could finally see his damped curls but I couldn't see his face. I wanted to scream for him, to see if he was okay, to reach out for him and hold him close next to me, to tell him I loved him, to tell him everything, that he was crazy, we are crazy for actually thinking of doing something like this, of actually doing it, and the more reason for letting him do it with me, but yet he made it sound so wonderful and my body felt heavy, my breathing shallow yet deep and slumber yet again awaited me. 

The next time my eyes finally decided to part was with a faint beeping noise. I was on something soft yet hard, and my feet felt restricted by having a crisp sheet tucked under the mattress. As my vision begun to clear, I noticed I was in the hospital. I had an IV on my right arm and a few bandages here and there. I looked around and noticed the patients next to me, 3 to be exact, but none of them Ashton.

Throughout our recovery in hospital, I got informed that both Ashton and I were found by and old famer who had some land crossing where the river bed met. He had seen us giving him the fright of his life. We had been missing for a few hours having our really close friends notice and after tracking his truck down, well they knew something was up. Luckily enough our hospital stay was not that long.

"Mum, Jamie's parents have arrived. Go save dad just in case please."

I smiled as I saw Jamie with Ashley make their way outside to the patio. 

"Hello Jamie. I hope you had a safe drive on your way here. It's always a pleasure to have you here with us."

"Thank you Ms.Irwin, I'm really excited you get to meet my parents. We have been planning this for so long."

"You're right! But first how many times do I have to tell you it's Hannah." I smiled to the young man who is going out with my daughter.

As if on que, I hear our guests make their way to the patio.


I couldn't help but smile as I saw my husband opening the patio door and coming to join us.

"Finally made it out here. I was scared for a second we lost you there."

I saw both Ashley and Jamie snicker as they both knew my husband and her father very well. 

"Just being a good host." He replied with his beautiful smile. 

"I want you to meet Jamie's parents. Nora -"

I smiled when I saw Jamie's mother already staring a conversation with her, but suddenly stopped when Jamie's father stepped into my view. My smile slowly faded away, my adrenaline started to increase. I couldn't hear Ashton anymore, his words became mumbled. 

Both our eyes stayed on each other, breath surly taken out from our lungs, by a punch to our gut or by the sheer level of unexpected surprise. My life has been amazing so far and by the love of God, I do not need to relive a living hell. I have done enough of that. 

I know my husband by this time had already introduced us by I didn't need no introduction. He takes out his hand for me to shake, to not show any reason we have known each other, to keep appearances, to keep everything at bay. 

Ashton brings my attention back as I feel his hand slowly touch my shoulder. I see concern on his face as he smiles at me. He wants to ask if I am okay. 

Oh right! I remember, introductions. 

"Hannah," I say as I reach to shake his hand,



WUUHH ok, it has been a LOONNG minute, and long over due. I want to thank everyone who took time to read this story. It has been a long ride and maybe in the future I will edit it and make it the masterpiece that it needs to be with the proper editing and due to it being started when I was around 14 to what 7 years later, but for now I feel that it is finally complete. I finally found the motivation to finish it and got around to write it, a sense of closure of this book so I hope you enjoyed it. 

I don't know who still uses Wattpad , it been a long while for me and I hopped on here today since another year is ending I wanted to end this book to and finally have the ending it deserves, even though it could still be a cliff hanger. Well somethings truly never change haha. If there are readers who still are around I love to hear your messages for old times sake. 

This had been it guys and I wish you all a Happy New Year and hope all of you are doing what you love. You deserve it! 

I enjoyed every minute of this ride and always , will forever remember it. 

Thanks Again.

With Love,


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