Chapter 3 Part 2

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The Diary 

Chapter 3 Part 2


                It was late at night and the was a bit cold. I felt a breeze hit my face and some my side bang. As I walked next to an alley I heard someone walking behind me. I looked at the ground to see if the person was following.

I saw his or her shadow but it was a definitive he. I begun to see the shadow get closer. I started to walk a bit faster but I didn't want to tell me stalker that. I crossed my arms. As I was walking more faster now I felt someone touch me and grabbing me and the next thing I felt was being slammed to a wall.

I looked at the person who was now holding me pinned to the wall. It was a boy. He was tall and a brunette. He had these piercing blue eyes. “Why are you in these streets alone?” He questioned. But there was no replay.

“You do know what time it is right?” He said. At that time I was praying that nothing would happen he would just let me go. “You should be walking alone here at night cause its a dark place” He said while placing his hands on my waist.

I moved my hand to touch his so I could move it away, but my hopes were different. “Please don't tou..'' and that's when my hopes came different. He grabbed my hands and pulled them up on top of my head.

While doing this my back arched a bit and I could his chest slyly hitting mine. “You have a nice body” he said while with just a small step he did was now touching my chest. He came closer to my neck and kissed a small part of my jawline. “Let's put it in good use”.

My eyes opened at his statement and I couldn't believe what was happing to me. A small tear escaped my eye. He was kissing my neck and I screamed. “No one is going to hear you at this time” he was right no one was walking or even driving.

Everybody must be asleep and not walking down the streets. “Help” I tried again but it was no use. This guys hand was slowly moving up word and more tears were falling out. I could move . My hand were above my head and his grip was tight. He finally stopped and looked me in the eye.

I finally took a breath and said. “Please,.. please don't hurt me.” It was so quiet it almost was a whisper. “And why would you think I would hurt somebody like you.” And with that we wiped a running tear.

He slowly leaned in and said “I will never hurt you” that's when his fresh minty breath touched my face. He defiantly wasn't drunk. He knows exactly what he's doing. And with that he plump lips touched mine. The feeling wasn't harsh it was barley touching.

But buy each second he was begging to press closer. And then they were fully touching. His hand was trailing up and in a flash his hand went under my top. I opened my mouth because I was shocked. He used this so I could open my mouth.

He was a good kisser but what he was doing was bad. As his hand reached up word and on my back. I was more scared what he was capable to do. That's when I felt him being pulled off. “What are you doing here” I hear him say.

Had my eyes closed but I opened them and saw some one unexpected to see. “Get away from her” “Oh and if I don't what are you gonna do?”. And I saw stare guy's clench his fists and the next thing I saw they were connected with the boys face.

I was staring at them scared . I didn't now what just happened. They were killing each other in front of my eyes. The stare guy came next to me and tried to take my hand but I jacked it away scared that he'll hurt me. After all they said he's dangerous.

He gave me a facial expression that felt or meant that I could trust him. He walked me out of this alley and then he gave me one more glare and left our separate ways. I looked behind my back and saw his figure growing away.

Finally he disappeared along with me. 

Hellooo thanks for reading :) <3 the story is getting better :) 

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