Chapter 8

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The Diary

Chapter 8           


                      Ok what was happening? I felt Niall's arms going under my shirt and I pulled away. “Ok what are you doing?” “ Don't you like it” I didn't know what to say. “of course not” “I don't think do, you were in it babe” “Let's continue the project” “It's already done.

Oh my god what I'm I going to say to him. “Um well..” “I'll go for know see you tomorrow.” “Bye I guess” before he left he gave me a small kiss on the cheek. Ok what?. I didn't bother I was tired and didn't want anything concluding to Niall. I Just wanted to rest for tomorrow.

I woke as my alarm beeped threw the whole room and begun to dress. Today is the day. I heard Lana on time and headed to school. The lessons begun to go fast and before I even knew it I was in the theatre about to perform.

“Ok let's see who's next” the teacher said while looking at the paper that holded all of the names. “Niall and Hannah” I went up on stage and Niall followed behind. “Start” the teacher said. We begun doing the scenes and the last one was next.

I could see the teacher as her hand were looked together and her emotion was so into the play. “Remember my love about me” he said while holding my hands. “I will” “Tell me that your heart desires to me” “My heart desires to you my love” as I said that his hand slowly got to mine and he placed it on his chest,just like we practised it. After a while gazing into each others eyes he slowly kissed my hand.

“Our love is too strong, We will meet again” “I will be right here waiting my love” I said as I went next to him.

But I didn't know what was I in for. The scene didn't end as I thought it would. No. I would never had thought that. His hands slowly grabbed the sides of my face and his lips made contact with mine.

At first I was going to pull away because what?? Niall?? but then I remembered it for school and as I really heated it, and did it against my heart, I didn't pull away. I think Niall noticed because one of his hands grabbed my hip to make me closer to him.

His lips were so soft. Ok what am I thinking. Uhhh I HATE him. As the scene was done, I heard the teacher clapping and yelling, “Yes”. Wow. “Amazing, Spectacular” the teacher begun to say. I even saw a tear form in her eyes. She really got into it. I couldn't help but laugh a bit.

“Full Marks, Full Marks” she yelled as she held the papers in the air. “Yes” I also yelled. Niall just have a smile. As the lesson ended I still wanted to talk to Niall about the kiss. He didn't even tell me about it.

“Niall” I yelled in the hallways. He stopped in his tracks and turned around looking at me. “ Oh, hey babe” “Don't you hey babe me, why did you do that” “Did what” “You know exactly what you did” after her gave me a confused look. “ Oh the kiss. Don't act like you didn't like it” “I didn't” “Mhm right.” “I didn't know you were going to kiss me and we did add that in the rehearsal” “So” he simply said.

“So that was not cool” “yeah it was” “no it wasn't” “yeah it was. With that kiss we got full marks” “yeah...well..” “Later babe” he said and gave me a peck on the cheek. “Stop doing that” I said while he begun going down the hall. “ Love you, Babe” he yelled from the hall.

 Even though I couldn't see his face I knew exactly what was on it. A smile. He was right though we did get full marks. I know headed to my next class, praying that the day would end soon.  

Hey everyone sry for not updating in a while it's cause i had exams and still do but they are at the end know. i hope u like this chapter. AND THANKSS SOOO MUCHH FOR THE READS . if we maybe get 230 -50 reads i will do one :) 

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