Chapter 2

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The Diary

Chapter 2


          “Who is he anyway” “He's new, you better watch out” “Why?” “Well I heard he's dangerous every body in my classes said so” “Well he seams a bit odd he seams dark.” “Yeah he kinda scares me” Lana finished.

I looked at his direction and saw him still looking at me. He looked hot but mysterious at the same time. The bell finally rang telling us that our last period would start. I entered my class room and took a seat. When I entered the class room I saw someone at the back of the class. It was him. As I sat down I couldn't help but look.

Do you ever get the feeling that someone is watching you. Yeah that was happening to me. He was looking, staring at me, you could say he's sending daggers. The teacher came and the lesson started.

All the lesson I felt like this. It was a little bit of annoying and scary what is this guys deal. Finally the lesson ended . I peaked my things and walked out of the door. Me and Lana meet near our lockers. We begun to put our books that we needed into our bags.

We begun laughing about a funny memory that happened last Friday. Under her breath Lana said “Stare much” “What?” “The creepy guy his across the hall stating at you” “Really he's still doing that” “What do you, mean by still?” Lana said.

“Well in this lesson he hasn't stopped staring at me.” “Haha really?” “Yeah and it's not something to laugh about.” “Haha sorry” “It's ok haha” As we were walking down the hall Lana was right. We went into the parking lot and entered our car.

While Lana was driving out I saw the stare guy as I now call him beside his bike smoking a puff of cigarette. I now what I'm going to say is crazy but he's so hot smoking. The way he grabs it in his hands and suck the toxic chemicals in it.

And then relieses and a small yet a big cloud of white smoke comes out of his soft plump lips that are slyly parted. OK. What am I saying about my stare guy. He's creepy I should have said that but I didn't even realise that I was the one staring at him now. Its was like the time stopped ticking and and him could move .

“Han are you ok, did something cought your eye??” “Aaa what?” I say startled. “Are you OK?” “Yes yes fine” I said while Lana made a turn and drove out of the parking lot. I kept turning my head until I didn't see his bike or his figure any more.

Hellooo thanks for reading comment if you like :) :) <3 <3 btw next chapters are going to awesome :) just cont reading and if i get a lot of reads i'll post more :)  

The Diary~ N.H~L.H~A.I PunkWhere stories live. Discover now