Chapter 36

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The Diary

Chapter 36


       Ashton gave me a smile, me returning one back. We pulled up when we finally arrived. The others begun making there way to the front, me still in the truck. “So...” I remembered Ashton was still with me. “Oh..Um” I fiddled with the door to get it open. My heart was ponding in my chest and I begun feeling the heat rise to my cheeks.

The door finally opened, and I got out, closing it behind me, seeing Ashton looking at me. He was by my side and we made our way to the others. We made our way up to a small you could say cliff,or a rock. I saw the others sitting down underneath us.

“Here” said Ashton indicating to sit next to him. My legs were dandling from this small rock we were on. When I finally lifted my head up it was the beautiful view I have ever seen. We were on this cliff I could see, but me and Ashton were on a higher level.

“Tell me about you?” I looked to my right seeing Ashton. “Um..Well I don't really know what to say” “Oh tell me something about you. You surely have something” Oh boy I do have. Were do you want me to begun, how I never thought my life would change, how meeting a guy would do that to me.

“Well...I didn't know how my life was going to change” He looked at me. I looked down feeling my eyes burn. The memories were flashing in my mind. “Hannah” he slowly said to me. I turned my gaze to him. “I know we just met and all, but, if you want anything, you can trust me, I'm not gonna hurt you, if you wanna talk, I'm here”.

I looked at him. Did I actually found someone who maybe actually cares for me. The way he said it, really seemed true. “I'm not lying Hannah” he said to me. “Just don't let me drown” I said. “Believe me” he said as he wiped at tear that I didn't know that escaped. “I won't”.

I just looked at him, giving a small smile. I knew he was saying the truth, and in my heart I finally felt that someone cares. “ story short there was this guy that um... we had so many memories and then he just..” I felt being pulled to my side.

Ashton had is arm my shoulder and my face was pressed against his chest. “Oh” I took a breath. “Yeah, I guess it hurts when you realize you aren't important to someone as thought you were.” I said tears slowly slipping away. “Hannah” I looked up to Ashton.

“Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us.” I gave Ashton a smile. “Yeah I guess you're right.” He gave me a smile.

We just sat like that. Just each others presence, and to tell you the truth it felt amazing. I haven't felt like this in days. I think this group was really getting me out of this cloud, and the sun was beginning to shine, bit by bit.

I looked down where I saw the others. They were all in different positions. I smiled at myself. Just you know my life taking a turn, my friends. I saw Luke look our way then he turned around quick.

He was staring our way. I tensed in Ashton arms. Me and Luke still looking at each other. “Hey” Ashton said rubbing my arm. “Are you ok?” “Yeah I'm fine” “You sure?” “Oh yeah” I said getting up from Ashton. “We..we should head next to the others” I stated. “Oh yeah sure” he said getting up.

The Diary~ N.H~L.H~A.I PunkWhere stories live. Discover now