Chapter 31

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The Diary
Chapter 31

I had recieved a message that made me smile. It was from a good friend that I hadn't heard about from a while now. Logan. We had arranged so he could come to my house and we could talk for a while. I needed this.

I heard the front door bell ring and I slowly went downstaris. When I opened it I was met with Logan's beautiful eyes that today they were darkest shade of blue. Unlike mine, I could see mine perfectly, red and puffy.

From my downess, his eyes made me smile a bit. I opened the door as he slowly walked in. "Hey Han" he slowly said. "Hi" I said in a whispery tone. We were talking like a small baby was sleeping.

We got in the living room and sat down on the couch. "So how are you doing?" "I'm not bad as I was" "That's good" "Wanna do something you'd like, change your mind off of things." I just nodded.

"Oh I brought you something" he said as he begun looking in his bag. I smiled at him. I love Logan's presence with me we could be anything we wanted to be. The thing was that now we were two shy people.

He turned to me and told me to close my eyes. I placed my hands out and felt something being placed on my hand. "Ok" he slowly said. I  opened my eyes and a smile was on my face. "Logan" I said. It was one of our favorite chocolate. "At a time like this, only chocolate is the answer" he slolwy said smiling.

I laughed softly and moved closer to him. I hugged him and you could tell he was surprised, but then softly placed his hands down my back. I moved back, his hands now on my waist and mine around his neck. We just smiled at each other me feeling temperature rising on my cheeks.

I slowly pulled away and asked him, "Wanna share?"  " Nah," he said as he waved another in his hand "It wouldn't be as much fun" we both laughed. We just ate chocolate, looking at eachother and talking about stuff. The time about me telling him what happened with Niall and Lana and the other stuff came and gone by quickly. Some tiers did ascape my eyes and Logan was there to hug me.

But I think that those weeks I lost not laughing and crying instead I got it all back today. "Hey you know what?" "What?" " We should go out, you need to have fun agian Hannah" "Yeah..." "See I don't like these parties that much but we should go. You like them and you need some joy back in your life" "Yeah." " wanna go?" "With you? Of caurse yes" I say.

It was finally the time that I was going out. This is the first time I'm leaving the house again and I can feel my heart beating really fast. I always get this. Logan came and he looked so fine. Like Oh My God Boy.

We arrived at our destination ."Ready to have fun again?" "Yeah, I need it"  We entered and you could see groups of teenagers. Logan could senes my heart rate and he slowly took my hand in his relaxing me for a bit. I took a breath and let it out.

I walked next to Logan as we found a place of our own on the dance floor. The place was getting crowded and some guys were always looking at me smiling. I just smiled back. Some guys even came to give Logan some pats on his back as he just shyly smiled.

As the place was now full the DJ begun playing some epic songs. I just took Logan's hands and headed to the middle of the people of the dance floor. I begun dancing mostly moving my hips and laughing along with Logan. After some songs my legs got tired and we sat on the sofas.

I got really thirsty, it was so hot in here. I got some cold Jack Coke and begun to drink. I had two and I could already feel dizzy. But hey what the hell I deserve to be happy. It was so refrashing. As we countiuned dancing and me me constintaly drinking to keep me hydrated I was only a few minutes aways of forgetting everthing that's happining

After awhile a good song came on and I went to the dance floor. I was dancing and then felt to hands on my waist. I looked at the person and saw this tall dude. All my mind chould process was how hot he was. He smiled at me. Me doing the same and we continued dancing. I turned to him and begun showing him a move we should do.

He understood it compleately as I was laughing. He was really cute. He wore this black button up shirt. As the songs ended to an other mashup he begun talking to me but I couldn't understand anything from the music. He got next to my ear and told me " Nice dance" he moved back so he should see what I will tell him. I smiled

"I had fun with you babe, we should do this some other time" I smiled at him as he told me his friends were waiting for him in the corner. I nodded and begun moving were Logan was. I waved back at him.

Logan greeted me with a smile. "Hey we should get going it's really late" "Yeah".  We arrived home and I sat on tbe couch. "Well that was fun, thanks so much Logan" I was know more sober then I was at the party. "Hope you enjoyed yourself"

"Listen Hannah, don't ever let any boy bring you down. You're amazing and a person like you should be crying. I now yoh changed Hannah but obvliously I still like you. You're beautiful and so amazing and you need to be loved not played with. For a guy like me saying these things it's reallh strange and difficult cause I'm shy but I had to tell you all these things other andot her things that I can't even explain to you with words"

"Logan....That's really..Thank you"  I smiled. "What do you mean though by saying you can't explain?" "There aren't any words to tell you" "Show me then" I felt Logan's hands on the side of my face. I closed my eyes. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach and I'm not even exagerating. His lips on mine was the best feeling ever.

The kiss wasn't one of those heated ones. It was just amazing, not too little not too much. Just perfect. We slowly pulled away and looked at each other. We stayed like that for a few seconds.

"Everyone deserves someone amazing as you, and Niall now knows what he has just lost"

HIII Guys omg i LOVEE U soo much and omg LOGAN is backkk what will happeeennnnn ohhhh ok so i need to clear this up

Hannah from last chapter is reallly imp because the story is gonna countine in the new Hannah. The new Hannah is really shy and quiet and like a shadow. the old hannah like died its like a new story kind of bbut instead story hannah. she is one of those really quiet shy girls now that she really gets scared easyly so hope that cleared that up and ohhh is she gonna be with Logan... next chap i think will include one of the Aussieeeee BOyysss ohh

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The Diary~ N.H~L.H~A.I PunkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora