Chapter 30

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The Diary
Chapter 30

You know I never thought a person can change you in so many different ways. I have been feelings these emotions that I never actually experianced before. Hurt, sadness, even some anger.

But it think it hurts the most because the person that you loved promsied you something and now they've broken it. You give in so much trust in them and now it all splash's in your face.

I gave him all my trust, I saved our lives from some maniac, and this is what he does. I have no one. My parents are still on busniess trips, my best friend I don't know what the hell happened to her and I'm all alone.

Lying on my bed, crying my eyes out. I constintaly look at me phone hoping I recieve a message from that annaoying guy I first met.That used to get me so angry and annoyed, but now I was praying that I will recieve a message, but like the few days that I spend hoping this would happen, agaisnt my heart it didn't.

The thing that I noticed is that the person I once was, changed. I was a really strong person but know I couldn'tco pe with anything. Even a small noise would make me flinch. Yelling and that other stuff, I couldn't stand it and start crying.

From the strong person I was, talking back when someone made me angry, or said something to me that I didn't like as in to rise my temper on purpose, I couldn't even speck.From the loud person I was, turned the shy scared talking girl.

I was a whole different person.

A scared lonely girl. A new Hannah.

That wasn't the best for the future.

Hi guys ommggg thanks for the reads I Loveee uuuuu. ok I want to special updateeee :D For u lovelyyyy fanssss if i get like 10,600 by today i will updage agian and uhhh 5sos will be apperaning YEYYY Finallyyy. hahah

Ok so pls comment ok so i was thinking i wouod do like an instagram page for  the story :) so we could all like see pics of tbe story and that stuff if youth ink you like it comment pls and thanks for the last people who commented or always comment. you REALLY  make my day. and btw guys i still dont have my laptop :/



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