Chapter 9

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The Diary      

Chapter 9


           As the last bell rang signalling that the last lesson of the day was over,and was time to go home. Finally. I packet my my thing said thanks to the teacher and headed out the door.

I went next to Lana's car waiting for her to come. “Hey, babe”. Oh no I didn't want him right now. I just wanted to go home and sleep. “What?” I said clearly stating that I didn't want his presence. “Wanna ride I think your friends running late” “No thanks, I better keep waiting then ride with you”. He just gave a small laugh.

“Come on” he said smiling while grabbing my writs. “No” I said. “Someone is getting to use their voice finally. Not the sweet shy girl are we any more” he said while giving me a smile. “For your information I always had a voice” I said getting a bit angry.

“Hey Han, is everything ok?”. Yes Lana. “Yeah everything is fine” Niall said. “Lets go Lana” I said while I forcefully pulled my hand back. Niall had a quite tight grip but I managed to let go. I got in the car with Lana and sighed. “Is everything ok?” “Uhhhh he is so annoying.” I said while placing my head back. “Yeah, I can see by your reaction.” “you don't know what he did” “What did he do?” she said wanting to know.

“Oh I almost forgot, how was the play?” “It's like you know, what he did was IN the play. Everything was going well and as planned until the last scene. He just had to place his freaking lips on to mine and kiss me” I said my voice a bit rising and shacking my hands in the air. Lana just laughed until she processed what my last sentence was.

“Wait,What? He kissed you” she questioned. “Well not actually kissed me, he surely doesn't want to kiss me, and still he did it for the grade” “Yeah right I believe you but I think he also likes you” “What?” “Yeah look at it this way, he usually and did drive you home, he came that night AND he Kissed you but lets just put it like you said, for school.” I just begun to process everything.

“See he's falling for you” “Ok hold up , the school's bad boy is falling for me. That's a no way he surely is playing something and he surely going to to this to play woth my heart and I am NOT going to fall for it.” “ You're right”.

She pulled in my driveway. “Well see you, talk to you later?” “Yeah sure” I saw her drive away as I entered my house. I ate something and headed to my room. I grabbed my diary. I have to write, I haven't written in a long time.

Dear Diary,

I haven't talked to you in a while and in those days you can't believe what happened to me. First of all in rehearsal Niall came over right that was going fine, but went I went to get a cup of water. All of a sudden Niall is leaning against me kissing me everywhere. Not my lips thank god but like everywhere my neck, collarbone,jawline. Well you get the idea. Well today was the actual thing and you and I didn't expect this to happen but it did. He kissed me. KISSED ME. Uhhh I just...why... He was right tough it did get us full marks witch I'm happy on but he could at least told me, but he would know I wouldn't let him. Of course. Well me and Lana were talking and I just don't want to be played. I know what these kind of guys do and I wasn't going to fall into this or his wicked trap. No. Never. Well I'm going know I had a rough day and I want to sleep. Talk to you soon.

                                                                                                                                        Bye ~ Hannah

As I closed my diary and got up from my bed and went next to the desk and placed the diary on top of it. I went back on the bed begun to just think about the day that I just had. As I was just staring in my room. My eyes landed on something that was on the chest of drawers that I had.

I didn't recognise what it was so I just got up and went to see what it was. As I was getting closer to it my mouth was already hung open. No please don't tell me. I'm just imaging things.

As I was finally near it and my hand trembled to grab the thing that was on the surface my mouth slightly hung open. “No” I whispered to myself. “No. it was a dream” my eyes couldn't move from the red object that stood there.

The blood red colourful object. That was full in gloom and beautiful. A rose that was placed in my room. I slowly grabbed it and held it in my hands inspecting it. “It didn't happen. It was a dream” I said while looking at the rose.

The rose he gave me that night.  

Helloo lovely people, thankss soo much for reading and getting to the goal wow. :) soo... for next update may be get to 300 or a little less but i know we can do it :) and may be votes get to maybe 15 :) Pls comment i like to see if you are liking it or not but no hate :) Thankss sooo much if we get this goal i will post :) 

The Diary~ N.H~L.H~A.I PunkTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang