Chapter 33

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The Diary
Chapter 33

P.E Class.

I was currently in P.e class, wo-ho. Note the sarcasm. It was like what 3 lesson of day and after this I have to get to the other side of the school for my next lesson, not to mention if I get sweaty with all this physical education, I had to stay like that for the whole day.

We were practising some Football tricks and passes. After some time, I saw a figure walking our way. I stoped doing what I was doing and looked at him. He did the same. As walked towards the class his gaze never left mine. I just looked down, as he moved from in front of me.

He placed his bag on the ground and went to begin. I didn't think the teacher had a problem because she said nothing to him. Then Coach spoke and told us what we were going to do next.

"He's hot" "Who?" I slowly asked the girl that came to be partners with me. "The guy that came in class" "Oh" "He was definatly checking you out" she squeald. "What, No." I said looking down. "I'm not even that pretty" "What?!, say that agian. I heard you wrong. You are the pretties girl in school" I just blushed. "Thanks"

We heard a whisle. Next we were going to play a game. We chose our two captians as they begun choosing players. Me and the girl continued talking. "Have you seen his lips?" She begun to question. I just shook my head. "There like WOW. I would devinatly kiss them every second!" She continued about the boys appirance.

I watched the game. He was a good football player. The girl didn't stop talking about him, which actually made me laugh a bit. " Hey sry, are you alright?" "Yeah I'm good. Why?" "I don't know, you seem quite." "Yeah that's me" "Oh ok"

We finished early so we got to the changing rooms. I changed, as I was putting things in bag I heard some say "Hey" I looked at my side and saw the girls eyes widen. I just furrowd my eyebrows. I turned around to look at the person who talked to me.

My eyes also widened a bit but you could bearly notice. Thank God. "Hi" I slowly said. "So what's your name?" "Um..Hannah" he gave me a nod. "Well Ok Hannah, see you later yeah?" "Aaa... Yeah guess so.." He waved at me. My mouth just parted. What just happened.

"OMG OMG!!!" " What?" "He just didn't omg. He asked your name and he said to see you later." She sqealed even louder. I just nodded. "Omg your so luckyyyyy!" I just looked at her. We made our way outside waiting for the bell to ring.

It finally rang and I said bye to the girl and headed to my next class. Physics. I got to my seat, and got out my thing and waiting for class to begin. When i was doodling in my notebook I felt a presance next to me. Nobody usally sits next to me but not today. I just gazed from under my glasses. "Is the seat taken?" the person asked. "No you can sit" I said as I looked at the person.

I was shocked. It's the same guy from P.e Class. "Hey" "Hey" "So Hannah right?" "Yeah" "I'm Calum by the way" "Hi" "So um.." He was cut of by the teacher as lesson begun.

The lesson ended faster then I tought and I paced my things. "Hey Hannah, wanna have lunch with me and my friends" "Uhh..sure" "Good see ya then" "Ok" He smiled at me and then made his way to his next lesson. "Bye" I said, even tough he already left.

It was finally lunch time. I made my way across campus thinking in my brain were him and his friends could me. The school was so big. "Hannah" I heard someone yell my name. I turned around and saw him waving.

He waved his hand to were he was. I walked were he was and saw an other boy. Oh so I have to stay with boys. Well that's not a shocker. He's a boy obviously he's gonna have friends which are guys. Such am idiot Hannah.

The Diary~ N.H~L.H~A.I PunkWhere stories live. Discover now