Chapter 21

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The Diary 

Chapter 21 


            Wait, what?. “You're what now?” I said my eyes getting wide. “Yeah, you're gonna be a dad” she said as she gave me a smile. No. I'm not gonna be a dad, especially if it's Lana's.

“No, I'm not” I said as I got up. “What?” she said as she made her way to me looking at my eyes. “Sorry, but I don't want to be a dad. I don't want the kid to have the same childhood as me but... sorry... I don't want the responsibility. I will still come and see the kid but other than that it's you.”

“So, your walking away from this?” she said to me as some tears made their way to her eyes. “I...I think so” “So this is what you do. You go around and when the responsibility hits you, you walk away” she said at me as her voice begun to get louder. “Don't tell me I walk away from responsibility, you don't know what I've been threw. If you were in my shoes you wouldn't even dare anyone telling you that, cause you'd know the responsibility you have to have.” I said my voice raising too.

“So that's it?” she said. “You're not gonna do it” “I don't think so”. After a few silence I begun to walk away from her. “I don't think you would walk away if it was somebody else's.” she said. I stopped dead in my tracks listening to what about she was going to say. “Like Hannah 's, you would even walk away. You would help her and be happily to be a dad”

I turned around and walked in front of her. “Don't bring Hannah into this. This is all your fault. You made me do it. You gave me more alcohol so I could be more drunk and you could do what you did, and I being the guy I am was drunk and did it with you.” “Tell me Niall, tell me, you would be happy with Hannah” “I would happily be the dad of Hannah's children.” I said to her. “Bye Niall” and with that she went out the door.

I walked to the couch sitting on it, sighing deeply. I already had stuff on my mind and now, Lana had to come along and tell me this news. I am going to be a dad. Uh. What am I going to tell Hannah, and the part of leaving. I don't want her to be with Harry.

The baby, Hannah,Harry, The Man, Consequences. How am I going to do this all.


It was now night and I went for a small walk out side, maybe figure out things. I passed by a local pub and I went in. I know it's not the best idea, but right now all I wanted to do is drink my problems away.

After some drinks I found my way to a parking lot and some guys that I really don't like begun to talk to me. “Look who it is, it's Niall. Oh poor boy doesn't look good” I just glared at him. “Did some thing happen, a girl broke your little heart” he said with a crying voice. My hands begun turning to fists.

I wanted to smash his face and only a few moments are holding me back from ripping his head of. “Oh wait, what am I saying, no body is gonna break your heart cause nobody loves you in the first place” all his friends more say gang begun to laugh at me.

“Who would fall for you, a guy that left home and nobody loves” he said now with a more serious tone. I was gonna rips his head of but then I begun to play along. “You know unlike you, I have found somebody who loves me and might I had she's pretty hot” his mouth shut the minute I talked. “Here let me show you” I got out my hone and found I picture I took of Hannah.

His mouth opened a bit and I just gave a small smirk. “Wow, Horan. You did good.” he said surprised but I was wrong not a second later he turned annoying again. “You know Horan, she's hot but you wouldn't make her scream loud as I can” he said his smirk plastered on his face. “Try saying that again” I said to him in a hard tone. “Well it's true”

But that minute he said it my fist collided with his face. I punched him a few times until he was now on the ground. His friends just got away leaving me and him alone in the stranded parking lot. I continued punching him, but then I was the one lying on the ground.

He got revenge by punching me in the face and I a mediately begun to feel blood running down. As I got up I begun to sit but not until I felt sharp pain on my side. That... I rather not say.

I tripped him not want him to hurt me more. And I threw punches now everywhere. As I got up I saw his eyes closed I tried shaking him to see if he's just unconscious. I saw as the blood moved out of his body and now was making a poodle on the ground.

I tried to shake him more my hands continuing to get bloody. I looked at my knuckles and they looked red and got some blood coiming out, from how hard I punched him.

I tried to find a pulse but failed. No. this can't be. I begun to walk a bit away, looking at the lifeless guy in the parking lot ground. I couldn't of.. No. stop thinking it. Look what all of this madness made me do.

I called Hannah with some tears in my eyes.


I heard my phone go by and the ringtone playing. I answered it to listen to Niall's voice. “Hey” I said cheery. “Hannah” he said in a whisper. I could listen to his voice break up. “Niall what happened?” I questioned scared. “I....I...I think I killed someone” he said in a scared voice. My eyes opened wide at what he just told me.

“You what??” I said in a hushed tone. “I don't know what happened” I could know listen the tears. “Niall were are you?” I questioned all ready out the door. “In a parking next to the pub” “Ok I’m coming just don't move. Ok Niall.” “Ok” he said as I ended the call and ran to the parking lot.

I knew were Niall's pub was and the parking lot is just behind it. I turned around the corner and saw the parking lot. I entered it trying to find Niall. I found him looking at something on the ground.

“Niall” I said. He looked up at me and I saw his face. He was covered in blood that some of it was still running down. I begun moving toward him and then looked at the ground. I looked at him.

A guy was lifeless on the ground with a pool of blood around him. I gasped at this. “I...I don't know what came over me” Niall said. I just continued to look at him and the guy. Taking my surroundings in.

It was silence. When I finally spoke. “Monsters are real, Ghosts are real too. And they.. they live inside us” I said telling Niall. “Yeah and some times” he said lifting his head up to look at me.

“They win

Hello lovely people thanks for reading :) <3 I would like to thank alicestyles for interviewing me :) 

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