Chapter 5

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The Diary

Chapter 5


         I closed my diary and switched off the night lamp. Finally I was going to get some sleep. I felt my eye lids getting heaver and finally they become shut. “Hannah”.... “Hannah” “um” “Hannah” I opened my eyes slowly rubbing them and got up from bed.

I begun to walk down stairs and went to the garden door. Why was I going to the garden door. I came to my senses and my eyes shoot open. No.. no this can't be happing. He isn't in my garden and saying my name. This is just a horrible dream.

My hands went to the door lock and twisted it. I tried not to walk in the garden, but it was like I was compelled to walk in there and see him. I begun walking on the path way and I finally saw him. His tall figure. Standing there. As he saw me he smiled and turned in my direction.

“Hannah” he said like I was his everything. “Why are you here?” I questioned him. “I always keep my promises”. He begun walking to wards me and he held my hips. “ Hannah, you're mine, no body else's. No body can touch you like I can, no body can feel you like I can and no body can love you, except for me.

I just stood there. “What?” “You understood what I said perfectly” I just couldn't stop staring into those eyes. He just got me in a trance. But I knew there was something behind him but at that time my mind didn't work. The only processed his voice and his words.

I begun walking back words until my back touched the wall. He came in front of me slowly his chest touching mine. “Say it, Say that your mine” “I'm.. I'm yours” his hand got near my head but he only just cut a rose. A rose that was red, red like blood a deep but beautiful shade of red that shined in the moonlight.

“ A red Rose like your full lips” He said while turning it in his hands. He placed the rose in my hand and his hand trailed to my lips. “ Your soft, Plump lips” he said slowly while he begun to some closer to me. I closed my eyes as what was going to happen next.

Beep Beep Beep Beep. “hhhhhh” I took a deep breath and woke up. My alarm clock was beeping threw the whole house. I placed my hand on my head. “What happened last night?” I questioned my self. That's when my eyes shoot open. NO, NO. pls don't tell me that happened. Please don't tell me he Kissed me. It was just a dream, a horrible dream.

Thankksss for reading :) <3 if i get more reads i will post the next chapter and the story is about to get epic. soo for that is more Reads 

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