Chapter 13

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The Diary

Chapter 13


                     I woke up from the long sleep I was currently taking and got down stairs. As I begun to cook something to eat I remembered last night, how Niall did that just to make me jealous,huh.

When I was done I went to my room to use the laptop. I received a message from Lana telling me that we were going out tonight to the beach. I continued using my laptop for sometime until I shut it down.

I got up and begun to prepare the things for the beach. I got my bag and placed a towel in there and an outfit just in case. I wore my swim wear just in case I wanted to go swim. We're going at night so it will be a nice presence.

I begun to get everything together and was done. I went downstairs to place everything near the door so when Zack arrives I will be done. As I sat there watching some T.V I begun to think that it would be a good idea if I'll take a jersey like jacket if I get could.

I went back upstairs and placed the jacket on the back of the couch. I was know looking at the program until I heard the familiar honk of Zack's car. I got my bag and headed out the door.

When I opened the door to the back seat, the smile that was on my face dropped. “Hey babe,come sit”. I closed my eyes taking a deep breath. Oh NO. I was not going to sit on him again and still why is it always me.

“Hannah get in were going to be late and it will be night soon”. Why thanks Ally you are happily sitting on the seat and not on some one you hate. I took a deep breath and got in holding my hands to the head rest of Zack's.

We finally arrived and I got out helping the others with the stuff from the back.”Girls you could go and find a place were we could all go and sit and stuff and we will get the things, so you don't have to lift.” Zack suggested.

Me and the girls begun going down the stairs that lead to the beach. My legs hit the hot golden sand. We begun walking to an area we could go and place everything there. We finally found and placed our bags on the sand.

We got out our towels and opening them. The boys shortly arrived as they sat everything down. The girls had all ready taken there clothes off and they were with there bikini's. I placed my hands on the sides of my shirt and pulling up.

When I finished I noticed Niall looking. His gaze on the not leaving for anything. I just got down on the towel and rested there. Me and the girls appreciated the last few minutes of the sun talking and you can say lying on the towels.

I think the boys were just drinking beer in there little group. As the sun was setting me and Lana went down to the water. Happily it wasn't that cold so I got used to the feeling quicker. We got to the point were the water was just under our chins.

“Uh why does he have to be here?” I questioned Lana irritated. “Haha, I don't know. Well because he's Zack's and the other guys friend.” “I know but he just irritates me” “I know I could see it all over your face” “Did you see what he did when I was taking my shirt off” “No, I think I was talking to Ally about something”.

The Diary~ N.H~L.H~A.I PunkWhere stories live. Discover now