Chapter 16

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The Diary

Chapter 16         


            A month passed and me and Niall are finally, well you can say friends. After those long arguments we would have we finally are getting along. But you can still say that there are still a few arguments between us, but not like those of last month.

Right now we are out with the group, laughing and all that stuff, but we were now walking to Zack's car so we would go back home. After that car ride we finally arrived and me and Niall got out.

“Hey wanna come at mine for a few?” “Um.. yeah sure”. I said with a small smile. I entered and I went to the living room sitting on the couch. “Hey come upstairs to my room” “Ok” I entered his room and sat on the bed.

“So what are we going to talk about?” I questioned. “I don't know” he said as he got next to me. “How's your mum?” “Good” “Did she tell you when she's coming back from the trip?” “No there still busy”

after that silence filled the room. I wanted to ask him about his parents but I remember when I did and he told me it wasn't a good time. “Niall” I said my voice a bit of a whisper. “Yeah” “How's your parents?” I questioned scared if me and Niall would get into a fight about this question.

“I..I don't know. I haven't talked to them in a while now” “Oh, how long?” “Four, five, even six years maybe” “Wow, you didn't talk to them?” “No, why would I” “Well because they are your parents”

“Yeah right” “Niall, why haven't you spoken to them in all these years?” “My mum hadn't done anything, it was all my dad.” he said the last part about mentioning his dad with hatred.

“I was about twelve or fifteen at that time, and I left.” “Why... why did you leave?” “I was in a lot of pressure, my dad was promoted to move to New York for work, so when he would talk to my mum and she'd say something he'd like he would get furious”.

“One time he was leaving I had to choose if I could stay with my mum or go with him. I was nearly going with him but then I choose that I would stay with my mum she had been crying and I didn't know why but I surely did know that it wasn't about my father's job”

“My life begun down hill and so I left, I'm sorry for my mum but I couldn't stand it any more”. “I know she loves me though, she did everything that she could, and when I left I heard people say that she was worried for me”

“Now, no one loves me, I don't know the meaning in life any more, I want to escape. I know what they say about me, Hannah, that I'm you can say a player, but they don't know what I've been threw”.

“But now I've meet you” he said as he looked at me.

“Life is full of unpredictable beauty and strange surprises. Sometimes the beauty is too much for me to handle. Do you know that feeling? When something is just too beautiful? When someone says something or writes something or play something that moves you to the point of tears, maybe even changes you?”

“I think you could fall in love with anyone if you saw the parts of them no one else gets to see” I said as I looked at him and my hand slowly touching his shoulder while giving him a small smile.

“Maybe I'm just scared because you mean more to me than any other person. You are everything I think about, everything I want”


Now I was home laying on my bed. I was currently thinking about Niall. Lana entered my room holding some plates and sat next to me on the bed placing the plates in front of her.

“Ok so, what movie are we gonna watch?” I didn't replay to her question. “How are you feeling like, um laughing or crying. Cause if you wanna cry I'll call Ally she knows lots of films like that. May be The Perks of Being a Wallflower or The Atonement or The Notebook”

I was still staring at the ceiling, blank thinking and some Niall thoughts in my mind.

“Or action, Iron man, The Avengers, Captain America he's cute. Tell me I could go on forever”

“I like Niall” I closed my eyes shut just processed what I just told her. “ Worm Bodies... Wait what? What did you say” she stop suggesting movies and turned to look at me.

“I like Niall” “No, you hate Niall. Since when do you like him?” “Since we have been spending time together.” “When you spent time together all you do is scream at each other.”

“I know I know, believe me we still do sometimes but we changed, you can say were friends now” “How did this happen?” “I think because we spend time together and we don't fight any more, or the reason he said some things to me.”

“Well you know what I always say to you, be careful he's a player, he only said those thing just to get to you and use you” “I know, that's why I'm not sure” “Well let's just watch a movie it will get your mind off of things”

We sat there watching a movie and when it ended Lana went back home. It was know night and Lana left long ago I went to my balcony for some fresh air and went to bed.

It was now 1 in the morning and I couldn't sleep. I went to my balcony saw that not a breeze was out there so I stayed there maybe getting tired. I was staring at the moon when I heard a laugh come from in front of me.

I saw a girl and next to that girl I saw Niall. They were getting in his house and before they could enter she gave him a kiss on his check and he returned it with a smile.

It was good to be true. Lana was right. He was like my cousin but worse. Now getting to live next to him, I saw what he does, and I wasn't going to be one of those girls. Never.

But I couldn't get my finger on it to whom that laugh belonged to. I knew it from some where,but my mind was processing to whom it was too.

Hello everyone, omg thanks so much for the reads and for the next chapter maybe we get over 900 may be to 950 :D so in this chapter there were some quotes that i like and i hope they you enjoyed :) so vote and comment i like feedback thanks and keep reading the story is only getting better :D 

Also cause i forgot to say, Niall's story. i didn't want to write bad stuff you know cause he's so kind and his family is to so try to imagine it :) i know it's a fiction but still i couldn't:) 

The Diary~ N.H~L.H~A.I PunkWhere stories live. Discover now