The Place Where Grimm are Born

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We continued our journey by walking, walking, and MORE walking. I was hoping we'd run into another village with people in it because I was scared of running into that Tyrian guy again. 

"Gah! How much farther until we get to Haven?!" I yelled in frustration. I slumped to my knees and sulked. 

"Mommy?" Ash stood in front of me with a worried look on his face. "Why do you want to go to Haven so badly?" He asked. 

"Because I did something bad, and I feel guilty about it." I answered. "Something bad?" Ash repeated. "Like what?"

"I... It's complicated." I mumbled. 

"Com... Complicated?" Ash pronounced. "Does it taste good?"

"No, it doesn't taste good at all. Just forget about it. We should keep moving," I suggested. Standing to my feet, I continued ahead while holding Ash's hand. 

That's when I suddenly got an idea. "Hey, Ash." I said, facing him. "Yes, Mommy?" He answered. 

"Remembered when you managed to lure Grimm to where we were? Do you think you could do it again? But instead of a whole army, maybe just one?"

"Sure! That's super easy!"

Ash closed his eyes and cupped his hands together as if he was praying. That's when a weird glow surrounded his body. 

Wait... Ash is... projecting an aura? But how is that possible? Grimm can't generate an aura. Maybe it's because he's part Grimm he's able to do so.

Moments later, a Nevermore landed in front of us and screeched while stretching out its wings. "Ehehe! See? Super easy!" Ash chuckled. 

"Wow. Good job, Ash." I praised. "Good... Good job? That's good, right? Ehehe! Mommy said I did a good job! That makes me really so happy!" Ash said. 

I smiled at him before approaching the Nevermore. "You have summoned me?" It spoke while opening its eyes. 

"Yes, I was hoping you could help us." I said. "With?" It asked. "Do you know someone who can understand Grimm? Maybe even control them?" I asked. 

"There is."

"Really?! Who?!"

"Her name is Salem. I believe she can help you."

"Great, where can I find her?"

"The place she resides... Well, it's not very easy to get there on foot. I can take you to her if you'd like. It's where the rest of us are born. Where we are created." 

"Please take me to her."

"Very well. Then, let us be off."

"You have my thanks."

I helped him onto the Nevermore's wide neck before climbing on myself. 

Once we were on, the Nevermore flapped its wings, taking up into the sky and soaring off. "Whee!" Ash cheered with his arms out. 

The place where Salem resided was nothing like I expected. Everything was dark and scary. From below, I could see pools of darkness with Grimm emerging from them. 

"This is... where Salem lives?" I murmured. "Not a pleasant sight, is it?" The Nevermore said. "It's more terrifying once you're up close."

I gulped as the Nevermore landed on the ground. I dismounted from the Grimm's neck, then helped Ash down. 

"Mommy, I don't like it here. It's scary." Ash whimpered. "We won't stay long, Ash. Let's go." I said. He gripped my hand in his as I led the way forward. 

In front of us was a dark castle, like something I've seen from my old childhood books. Taking a shaking breath, I knocked on the door and the sound echoed. 

From that single knock, the door creaked open loudly. Ash whimpered with fright and hid himself behind me. 

I gripped his hand and entered the castle. "H-Hello?" I called, my voice echoing throughout the building. "Is anybody home? Please, I'm looking for someone."

I continued to cautiously walked forward, then stopped. "Mommy... There's someone over there." Ash informed as he pointed ahead. 

Following his pointed finger, I spotted a dark hallway. I couldn't see anything or anyone. "Hello? Is someone there?" I called to the darkness. 

"The Grimm Whisperer..." A female voice said. I could hear the clicking of dress shoes and they were getting closer and closer. 

That's when I saw a pair of red eyes glowing in the darkness until a woman with pale skin with white hair stepped into the light. 

She wore a long, black dress and she resembled a Grimm. 

"So, we finally meet."

Grimm Warrior (Sequel to My Own Beowolf!) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now