Chapter 1 Nate

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I watch as the girl I fucking love walked away from me. As I yelled for her to turn around and look at me so I could explain. How the fuck could I hurt the one true girl that I love so much all just for fucking money.
I still remember the day I showed all of them the damn video as proof. I ran to the bathroom throwing up my guts. It disgusted me to show them and that's when I realized I was more in love with Natalie then I thought.
I never excepted the video to get out. I tried and gave everyone their money back, but Shay being the evil bitch she is did it. She shown the video here at the party in front of everyone just to get back at me for telling her to leave me the fuck alone.
I have to figure out how to get Natalie to listen to me show her I do love her, but also to make this up.
The image of her hurt and broken stays flashing in my head as I make my way to my car. Punching every damn thing in my past.
"Nathan!" I heard someone scream
Now who the hell knew my real name besides Natalie and Layla.
I turn to see Layla. Layla who is beyond furious at me. She walks up to me slapping me right across my face. Ouch. Shit I deserve that and more.
"How the hell could you hurt her like this!? She loved you so fucking hard so much. This is how you treat her after everything! Is this why you was forced to move over here to your dad?"
I can't stop seeing Natalie face. The tears streaming down her face as horror of the video showing in front of the whole campus. I shake my head ignoring Layla going straight to my car.
"You wont find her asshole! She left with Justin." Layla yells at me
I punch my steering wheel until I felt the ripping on my knuckles and the blood. I got to get out of here. I have to find her. I have to explain that this wasnt suppose to happen. Will she let me explain will she even hear me out?
"FUCK!" I scream pulling my hair

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