Chapter 5 Natalie

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I run to my car throwing my bag in wiping the tears off as Nate stands in the door way. I turn my car on and leave. I was going to my dad's which is where my mom is too. They both are waiting and wanting to know what happened. But they wasnt getting the information. It's not their business and I know I am the child, but they dont need to know this.
Soon as I pull up at my dad's I walk inside.
"Natalie!" My mother yells
My dad comes down the steps giving me a hug.
"Princess i have been worried about you."
"I'm ok papi."
"Natalie." My mother says again
I look at her and she is more then pissed off. "What mom?"
"I told you he was going to break your heart! Then you dont answer for two days. What the hell was you thinking?"
I took a deep breath. "I was thinking that I needed to be alone not to deal with any drama for right now! And mother you dont even know what the fuck you are talking about! Just because we broke up doesnt mean he broke my heart!"
"What did he do?" My mother demands
I roll my eyes as my dad looks between us both. This is really is the second time my dad seen us fight.
"Nothing mom its not your business."
My comes up grabbing me. "You may not want to deal with me or tell me, but I pay for your college and ill be damn if you think you can talk to me any way."
I yank my arm away already seeing a bruise form. I look at my dad who about to say something and I shake my head no. I grab my stuff walking back out the door. I text Justin asking him if I could come back, but he wasnt home right now.
"Hello?" The voice answers
I didn't even realize I dialed his number. "Can I come back please?"
"Of course baby. You can always come back."
I hang up driving to him. I know deep in my heart that I would go back to him, but right now I just need him. I cant take my mother anymore. Soon enough I'm pulling up at the apartments with it starting to pour down raining. Nate is standing at the door with an umbrella. I get out getting my bag walking up slowly to him. I stopped about three feet from him just looking at him. I run up to him hugging him. His arms wrap around me holding me tightly as we get soaked by the rain.
"I'm sorry baby I'm so sorry." He cries into my neck
"Please dont hurt me again I can't take it. Nate I freaking love you and I want to stay away and be mad, but I just cant. Then my mom."
"What the hell did she do." He says reaching for my bag but stopping to look at my arm
I stayed silent. "She did this."
I nod my head and he grew mad.
"Come on lets go in. I'll make us a cup of coffee." I whisper
He looks down at me crushing his lips to mine. "I love you."
"I love you, but you just have to give me time."
We walk in as he holds me close to him.

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