Chapter 6 Nate

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I dont know what went through her head from the drive from here to her dad's then back to me, but I'm grateful for whatever it was because I got my girl back. It wont be easy, but I do know that I will continue to show her that I am truly sorry and that I am trying. The only thing that has pissed me off is seeing the mark on her arm from her mother's grip. I am furious that her mom thinks this is ok.
I see her look up at me from the corner of my eyes. I still see the hurt and I want to make the hurt go away. Instead of her fixing coffee and lunch for us I will. When I open the apartment door for her; she was shy like when we first meet especially when I brought her here. I tell her to go take a nice hot shower and relax I got everything for her. When I heard the shower turn on I look through the fridge on what to make. She loves this one pasta that I made before so I decided to make it for her again.
By the time she gets out I am serving the plates and putting it on the table. My girl loves sweet tea so instead I had my mom run out and get like five gallons of sweet tea from McDonalds because thats where she loves it. I also told my mom not to question her or anything else. Natalie comes to the table and a small smile tugs at the corner of her lips. The bruise on her arm has gotten worst in the matter of an hour.
Natalie seen me looking as she tug her short sleeves down. I shake my head at the anger thoughts that pass through my mind. How much I wanted to hunt her mother down and do the same to her, but I would never hurt a female physically. My mom looks at me and then at Natalie.
"Whats going on now Nathan?" My mother questions
"Nothing mom just leave it." I say rudely without meaning it too
Natalie looks at me and goes to our room.
"Damn it. I'm sorry mom. You know I didnt mean too." I knew how much respect meant to Natalie to anyone espically the parents and elderly.
I go in after Natalie shutting our room door seeing her in middle of our bed curled up in a ball crying.
I cant have her crying anymore. Its killing me. Shes crying because of me well more now her mother doing.
I take my shoes off climbing in bed pulling her on to my chest. I run my hands through her hair as she slowly drifted off to sleep from crying. When I knew she was fully asleep I gently picked her up placing her under the blankets. I get my shoes on going out shutting the bedroom door behind me. My mom looks up from her book looking at me.
"Nathan come here." My mom says with authority in her voice like I am child
I walk into the living room. "Yes mom?"
"Do not go after who ever your thinking of going after. I seen the mark on her arm. I'm not asking where it came from, but she needs you just like you need her. You both are young and haven't figured much out and shes hurt too. If you go after whoever it is. She may just not forgive you son."
What my mom said made so much sense, but how can I let someone hurt her like this? I sigh putting my keys down and kicking off my boots again. I turned the tv on asking my mom what she wanted to watch and we decided to watch Fast and The Furious. Yes my mom loves this movie. I made popcorn for us as we sat on the couch. Half way through the movie the bedroom door opens and Natalie sticks her head out of the door frame.
"Come on sweetie." My mom says to her
Natalie walks out and sits next to me. I put my arm around her and she looks at me through her eye lashes. Fuck. I give her a kiss at her ear and whisper "you know when you do that it turns me on. Dont make me take you into the room with my mom here."
Natalie looks away with her cheeks red. As she got comfortable we put another one on. Time passes quickly when Natalie points to my mom who is knocked out. Natalie turns the tv off watching me put the blanket on my mom. We walk into our room as I strip down to my boxers.
I pull my baby to me holding her tight. I'm afraid that if I go to sleep that I will actually wake up and she really wont be here. Natalie's falls asleep with her hand on my chest and soon enough sleep takes over.

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