Chapter 22 Natalie

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I see that little line in his forehand go up. He is panicking I can tell for the way he is already running his hands through his hair.

Talk about what?

Well you left for nearly a month Nate. That hurt me more than anything. I love you. I shouldnt, but I dont want anyone else. But during these weeks I seen a difference I dont want to count on you like I use too. I want to do things for myself and get myself up. I would love for you to be one of my supporters and I get that if you dont want to come with me to Texas so its really up to you. I have just a few months. But I also need to know if anything happened during our apart time. I will tell you about mine too.

Nate took a deep breath shaking his head no to the wine I start drinking it.

Honestly Natalie I didnt do anything except see my mom and stay at the family home. I literally stayed drunk the entire time. The only person I did see was an old friend and he help talk sense for me to come back. Like I was fighting myself every damn day of all day to not turn around and come back to you, but I left because I hurt you and you needed the space from me so I thought.

The tears wield up in my eyes and I wanted to throw him in a hug, but I just couldnt yet. I know he will flip, and I want to give us another chance, but will he go to Texas with me?

Justin and I kissed. I blurted out. Well, more like he kissed me and I took off on him. I hide my face as the tears actually fell

I felt like I cheated on Nate when really it wasnt anything like that. Nate fist balls up and let loose.

I cant be mad about it. He finally says

But the big question is are you willing to move to Texas with me? I whisper as he reaches over and wipes my tears away

I wont have anything there, no friends, family, job, Ill have nothing.

You will have me. I whisper

But that wont be enough! How will I help support us or you?

I let my breath out shaking my head. Wow I wont be enough?! Really?

Just stay here lets finish college together and then we can move forward.

I stand up. You are not going to stop me. This is my dream I told you since day one and its coming to life. If you cant handle it then we wont work, because I doubt youll do long distance right? I ask heartbroken all over again

I walk to the door with Nate behind me and I open the door. It was good seeing you Nathan. It really was, but I dont think we will work not right now ways. I hope you get what you want in life espically what you need. I kiss his cheek closing the door.

I slide down the back holding my stomach crying. I did this to myself I shouldnt have excepted much of a change from him. Or any at all. Nothing will change I will continue to go as I did for the past nearly three weeks and call my boss tomorrow once I think more of it to see if I can go ahead and move sooner than later. Sooner? I thought. Yes that would be good, but I dont want to leave this home just yet. I will keep it so when I travel back to see my family I will have a home already.

I down the last bit of wine locking my doors going to bed. With tear-stained cheeks and swollen red eyes.

When I wake up the sun is blaring, and I have a throbbing headache. I groan. I should have known Nate would be this way. Its his way like usual. I get my phone seeing its only morning time. Good. I can call my boss.

My phone starts ringing and its her.

Hey! I was about to call you. I laugh

She laughs too. So, you are still moving out here in a few months control? I have to put the final touches of everything together.

Actually I was going to talk to you about that. What if I can come sooner?

Freya laughs. Natalie I think of you as my best friend now because we talk and do everything together when we can. I know you dont want to come sooner. Just take your time. Look for places here. Spend Christmas and New Years with your family. Ill see you in the new year. Also, whatever is going on. Just breathe. Look at yourself. You are graduating early and already have your own clothing line! Be happy you only be a teenager once. Well, your last year of teenage life.

I smile. Thank you Freya. For everything. And not giving up on me. See you soon.

We hang up and I send a group message to Layla, my dad, and Laura.

Me- Lunch date?

Laura- Of course honey! Layla and I will start preparing.

Dad- See you at 12

Layla- Yeah what mom said lol

Me- Alright need me bring anything love you guys

Dad- No just bring your smile

I close out of the text messages and thought. Smile. I can try. Hell, I have to smile like Freya said I should be happy. Plus, I need to tell them about my plans and graduating early.

I get up take some Tylenol for my headache and a hot shower. Its pretty warm outside so I dress in shorts, tshirt, and tennis shoes. My headache has gone away, and I walk down the steps to the front door. I open my door to see Justin standing there.

Ugh! I love Justin as my best friend, but right now I just cant deal with this.


Natalie are you leaving?

Huh? Oh yeah Im having lunch with my dad, Layla and her mom.

Oh damn can I talk to you in little bit?

Um sure Ill be in town Ill just stop by before I come home.

He gives me a hug and goes to his truck leaving. I lock my doors and leave as well.

As I am driving to my dads Layla text me saying everything is ready and they waiting for me. Great. So small conversation and then tell them about my news.

Finally I am pulling into the driveway. When I get out I am greeted by my dad who gives me a big hug.

Como estas princesa?

Im good dad and what about you all? I ask as we walk in

Food on the table! Laura yells out

We walk to the kitchen table where Layla and Laura is waiting on us. We sit down and I see Laura made a whole course meal. She fixed sandwiches with chips and then chicken pasta.

As we all talked and empty our plates I clear my throat.

So really I asked for this because I have some exciting news to share with you all.

Whats going on? My dad asks

Well first thing first I am graduating early!

Really thats great! They all say

Whats second? Layla ask

Second I am moving to Texas in two months. I will still have my home here, but my career chance is taking me there. I leave in mid-February.

Baby I am so proud of you! You are following your dreams. And dont worry about your home here we will take care of it.

I smile and overwhelmed with their happiness tears spring into my eyes. I get up and so does everyone else. We get in a group hug.

Thank you for your support, love, everything. I love you guys.

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