Chapter 33 Natalie

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The next few days were what you call crazy and hell. Justin felt horrible about what Shay did and wouldnt stop apologizing. Nate went sort of distant and now that I feel back to myself and had the clear from the doctor. I finish packing my things since we leave in three days.

Nathan! I call out so he can hear me since hes downstairs

I hear his slow movements up the steps the moment we both been dreading of talking since Shays crap.

Nate walks in not looking at me and sits in the car across from the bed.

Yeah? Is all he says

I look at him like he done grown two heads. Its like the old Nate is back and I dont like the feeling that I am feeling in the pit of my gut.

Nathan? I question him

I said what Natalie.

Taken back by his lashing out I sit quietly for a few minutes.

I thought we could talk about the whole thing of Shay. I whisper

He leans back arms behind his head with his black tshirt hugging his arms. He signs finally looking at me. I dont know what got into him, but this isnt going to happen especially right now.

Natalie what is there to talk about? Hm? Tell me because I told you aint nothing happened and if you believe her than why are we even together?

First of all Nathan Sanchez I didnt ask for an attitude. Second of all remember at the hospital we agreed to talk when I got up to feeling like myself. And mostly I asked Layla about what the hell you told me and its funny really that the date that was on the picture and video that Shay showed Layla was out of town with her mother. So yes Nathan we need to fucking talk.

Nathan runs his hands down his face and looks me dead in the eyes. Yes Natalie Shay and I fucked! But we wasnt together!

The breath in me left. I cant believe what he just said. The words, the attitude, its just like old Nate appears and Im the punch line again. The tears I couldnt stop. The wounds open back up. The hatred I once felt is coming back.

WE WERE TOGETHER NATHAN! I scream. You were the one who left me and went to California. I never did anything to you! But here it is right Im the one always getting betrayed. Im the one who is always getting hurt. Im done with it Nathan. I am! Im only nineteen! I dont deserve your shit. I wipe the angry tears away finally taking a deep breathe.

You didnt do anything? What about Justin? Always having him around and talking to him even when I asked you to stop, and you never have. Karma is a real bitch.


Nate gets up pulling the ends of his hair walking around in the room. I know everyone in the house can hear us too, but Im not his punching bag and I am done taking the crap from everyone too.

You know what Im done with it Nate. I truly am. I will say this and then you decide from there.

Decide what? I hear the tremble in his voice

If you are going to start acting like this again then we are done. I will give you until the rest of today and tomorrow figure out what the hell you want, but until then you can go into the other bedrooms to sleep. Just know if you chose to fuck up this there is no more chances for you. I whisper my voice horse from screaming

Nate stops in his tracks and looks at me. Natalie dont leave me please. Stay With Me.

Well Nate that is all up to what you say and do in the next few days.

Silence follows after our big blow up and Nate looks at his phone time.

Some where to be? I question

Uh yeah my mom actually invited us for lunch today. She called me right before our um fight.

I love his mom and to turn down the invitation nearly breaks my heart. Go without me. Ill give her a call. Is all I say

Nate looks at me like if he leaves I wont be here when he gets back. I just need my space from him. After him admitting to sleeping with Shay again is definitely a punch in the gut. Nate gets his keys and shoes on and comes to me kissing my forehead.

Ill be back Natalie? He asks more like permission

See you later Nate.

He walks out my room door leaving it cracked. Once I hear his car crank up and pull away I grab my pillow throwing it at my door and wipe away the tears again. Theres a quiet knock at the door.


The door opens revealing Justin and Layla. I bury my head in my other pillow and my bed dips under their weight.

Im so sorry. Layla says

No, no you dont have to apologize. Im sorry that you both heard that. Im really sorry Justin too.

Justin shrugs his shoulders and for the first time I see him in a white tshirt with a new tattoo?

Justin did you get a new tattoo? I asked shocked

He laughs. Yeah I got it the other day.

He lifts up his arm sleeve showing the entire tattoo. Its a cross with wings that has his sisters name date of birth and death. My stomach felt empty.

Oh, Justin she would loved it. I say with tears back in my eyes

He smiles. Thank you Natalie. I dont even cry no more. She would want happiness. Thats what I am doing.

Layla puts her hand up on Justins shoulder and I take his hand. I smile because he's doing exactly what she would want.

Justin about what Nate said- Justin stops me

No Natalie its ok. Dont apologize for him. Nate and I have been having our problems for a while and because you and I got close. He got jealous. Its really ok. I just dont want you to stop being my friend.

NEVER! I exclaimed

Layla laughs, and we went outside just having fun until Layla and Justin jumped in the pool. I look at my phone nearly seven in the nighttime. Nothing from Nate. My smile fades and something tells me this may be the end of Natalie and Nathan. I walk back into the house up to my room without anyone seeing. I need to be alone for right now. My mind needs to gather everything even the worst thing that I dont want to happen. Losing Nate could be the best or the worse thing and right now its the worse because I love that boy to death.

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