Chapter 19 Natalie

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Day four.

Four days have passed since Nate has left. I sound pathetic trying to reach out to him still. But he is everything to me. Its gotten a little better. I still cry myself to sleep, but with Justin, and Layla its been a little easier. Until Im alone that is. All I have been doing is working at my designer job, college, and thats it. Yesterday I went and seen his mother. We laughed, we cried, and she held me while I cried some more. She assured me that Nathan would come back. Its just time he needs to figure out, because Im the best thing that has happened to him.

Knock. Knock.

The knocking pulls me out of my thoughts as I rush down the steps. Its Justin. I forgot we was supposed to be meeting today. He has been helping me look for a new house with land and no neighbors country style. I smile as I open the door.

Hey! I say as happily as I can

He laughs coming in.

So I found this nice house with everything that youre basically looking for if you want to go see it? He asks getting straight to the point

Hell yeah! Ill follow behind you.

I get my tennis shoes on and go out behind him getting in my car. I follow behind him although he sent me the address in case I lose him. The house isnt far from here. Its about thirty minutes. My Bluetooth is playing music and a ding come through.

Text from Layla- Are you still coming for dinner?

my radio plays the message

Reply. I speak. Yes tonight at six. See you tonight.

Ugh my dad is already asking why Nate is not here, but to top it off he doesnt know we broke up. Or whatever this is.

Out Of Love, by Alessia Cara plays and I turn my radio all the way up. Eventually we make it to the house and when I go down the long driveway like I wanted my eyes pop out at the land and then the house. The house I knew just from seeing the front side I fell in love. The house has a gate around the entire land which I love! The house is a two story the bottom is stone and top is dark grey siding color. The walk way is stone. I park my car behind Justin and walk slowly up to the front door. The door is massive with glass in the middle.

So what do you think from just seeing it right now? Justin asks

Since arriving I felt this was home. I dont know why because its not mine yet, but I want this house. Ive been taking pictures since arriving.

This is it Justin. I feel at home since arriving. I finally manage to say

We walk in, and the room is small for hanging coats and placing your shoes, the living room is hug with couple big windows and stone fireplace perfect for the fall/evening nights. The stairs are simple, but elegant. They go on both sides and curve around with flooring that looks like Victoria Secret.

I continue to walk seeing all the rooms and seeing the master is at the end. I walk in seeing a balcony a must for me with French style doors. This room is huge. The bathroom is connected too.

Tears ran down my cheeks. This is my home. I really want it. I turn to Justin hugging him. Thanking him for all his help. He kisses my forehead and I look up at him through tears.

Really Justin thank you for everything. This is the one.

I back away walking through the rest of the house. The realtor comes up and we began to talk as Justin makes his way outside. I put more than half of the payment down for the house. I know within a few months Ill have it paid for if not sooner.

I walk back to the front seeing Justin in a heated conversation with someone on the phone. I decide to send a group message to my family including the one with Nates mother in it and not him sending pictures of my new home.

Layla- Congrats! Party! Party! Party! Lol

Dad <3- congrats honey! Cant wait to see it

Nates mom- Love it Natalie!

Mom- Wow you outdone yourself.

I kept waiting for Nate to reply, but I had t remind myself he isnt in the group chat. Justin walks back up.

Everything ok? I ask

Yeah yeah everything good. Are you hungry?

Thinking of it I am starving. Yep where we going?

That little Italian restaurant that we went to before?

Sounds good!

We both get in our cars driving away with the sign now says SOLD. I stopped at the sign and got out with Justin slamming on breaks and getting out too.

Whats wrong? He asks

I laugh Nothing! Just want to take a picture thats all.

He gets my phone taking a picture of the SOLD sign with me beside it. As I drive down the road I try to call Nate. I dont know why, but I do.

Ring and straight to voicemail. I let out a breath.

Stop Natalie. I tell myself. He isnt coming back. No more wasting your time and tears. More happiness you just bought your home.

I laugh to myself at my little self-talk. I have gone crazy. That is it. I dont know why I am this way with Nate. Yes he is the first boy I ever got serious with. The first boy I honestly fell in love with and giving him something that could have went to the boy that I will eventually marry.

Ha marriage. I dont even think I can do that. I cant set myself up for that heartbreak again. I wont either from today I promise to myself that I wont cry anymore that Nate isnt here. That through everything I tried and tried. Some people just arent meant to be and I am ok with that. Who am I kidding it hurts like hell that he isnt with me? That I gave it all to him. To the boy who acts bad, but honestly deep down is a nice, sweet boy with a lot of baggage.

I park at the restaurant as we both go inside. Justin sits across from me in our corner table. We make small talk until our pasta comes out. I could tell he is still on edge from whoever he was talking to and I wish I could help make the tension go away, but I cant.

Whatever is going on I can just be here for him and let him vent to me. We ate in silence and once we was done he walked me out to my car opening the door.

Um thanks for lunch. I say

I noticed we are only inches apart.

I go turn around to get in when Justin gets my face between his hands and kisses me.

A million things run through my head. I move away from him.

Justin. I whisper

He backs away and I quickly get in driving away. I drove around to different streets. To anywhere that I could. When I stop I realize Im at his moms house; but she isnt here she had to go to California for some stuff.

I wipe the tears away and pulling up Nates number.

Nate. I cry into his voicemail. Where are you? What made it different for you to just give up? Thisthis isnt us. We always fight just to come back to each other. You promise to never give up. Nathan Im so confused. I dont know what to do. II dont want to feel this way anymore. Nate please please call me. I miss you. I..I love you. Your all I want. I cry

I hang up crying harder. I finally stop crying and drive back home. I pull up going straight inside to the shower. I put my music on and sat in the hot shower. After it turns cold I get out dressing in sweats and a t-shirt. Nates tshirt matter of face. I sign climbing into my bed sitting the alarm to get up by five. Yes I am taking a mini nap at least I hope. I need this hour to change or something. I look at the wall of mine that is covered in pictures of Nate and me. My eyes close slowly falling asleep dreaming that Nathan would be here.

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