Chapter 3 Natalie

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When I wake up there is a light knock on the door. I'm to weak to get up, but I had toto unlock the door to see who is wanting in. I drag myself up and to the door.
"Sorry, but I made soup and wanted to see if you wanted any?" Justin asks
I haven't even thought of food and the mentioning of food makes me stomach growl. I nod my head following Justin into the kitchen.
"Hey Justin?"
"What's up?"
"Thank you for everything honestly. I really appreciate it. I'll go home now." I whisper still embarrassed
"Natalie you can stay as long as you want this is my home. You are always welcomed. I will be here for you anytime. I know I havent been there as a friend since my sister died, but I hope we can make our friendship better."
I instantly felt bad because if I had waited a little while longer just maybe Justin and I would be dating and none of this would be happening.
"Justin pain changes us. You was dealing with the lost of your sister everything is okay. But I do need to go get my car."
He nods. "We can go after we eat if you like too?"
I nod and sit at his small little table in his kitchen. As I look around I notice the kitchen is a blue-grey color. The counter tops are black marble. He places the bowel in front of me and I take a small bite. The soup has chicken, carrots, shrimp, and some spice. Over all its good. Soon enough I am on my second bowel and I am now full. I get his bowel once he is finished and wash them out has he kept telling me not worry about that. I just couldnt sit here and not help at least clean up.
"Are you ready?" He asks
I was actually dreading to get my car, but I needed it knowing that I have to go back to the apartment and inside to get my keys and some more clothes. I pray he isnt there. I hope he went to visit his mother like he was suppose to do with me. My heart sinks. His mother. She seems like such a lovely women.
I follow Justin out to his car climbing into the passenger side as he drove in the cold rainy night. I couldnt bring myself to look at the apartments as we pulled in.
"He isnt here." Justin whispers
I let out my breathe that I didnt realize I was holding. "Thanks Justin you dont have to wait around ill see you in a little bit."
He nods and drives off as I make my way inside the building. The guy at the front desk looks at me as I make my way to the elevators. Finally I'm at the door. The door I use to call home with Nate. I unlock the door walking in. He has his clothes all over the floor and chairs. Broken glass laid in the floor with a hole. I go to the bedroom grabbing my bag getting just a little of my stuff I can come back later.
Soon I realize I am clean up the place his clothes in the washer and dryer the floors, and counters cleaned. I fold his dry clothes putting the rest into the dryer when the door rattles open.
FUCK! I yell in my mind I hurry into the room that I once shared with him hiding behind the cracked door. I stayed way to long I shouldnt have cleaned up, but I just couldnt leave this place dirty.
"Wow honey this is your place. Its so clean, and beautiful! Remember when we use to clean together then shower."
The moment i hear that my heart shatters. Did he really bring someone who he use to mess with into here? I step out into the viewing of them realizing its not just some girl. Its his mother.
"Natalie? Wwhat are you doing here?" Nate asks surprise
"Natalie honey! Its so good to meet you officially! Nate said you was going to be gone with your mother. I didnt know I would get to ever meet you. Your just so beautiful." His mother rants
I smile at what I could. "Thank you and yeah um I just forgot some stuff so I had to come and get it, but I'm leaving now."
His mother is beautiful brown hair, green eyes, and I can see where Nate gets his features from. As she asks for the bathroom I tell her where it is. Once the door clicks close I grab my things ready to leave.
"Did you ttell her that we aren't together?" I manage to say
"No i couldnt tell her what I did." Nata whispers ashamed
"Ugh Nate you have too."
The bathroom door opens as she comes out. "So Natalie would your mom care if you stay just this night. Its just I dont know when ill ever get to see you again."
"Oh no mom she cant she has to go." Nate says before I can talk
"Oh please just this one night?"
I couldn't say no so I shook my head ok. After Nate called in a pizza and we ate his mom knocked out. Watching him tuck the blanket around her kissing her forehead makes me smile. Who knew he was that loving with everyone else. We walk into the room quietly shutting the door.
"Um I'll just get a pillow and some blankets to sleep in the floor." He whispers running his hand through his hair
No matter how much I wanted to scream and yell at him even for the most horrible thing he did I couldnt let him sleep on the floor.
"No its okits just one night right? I'll be gone early in the morning."
I looked anywhere but at him.
"Natalie?" Nate begs
"No please just not tonight."
I cant take dealing with the drama of the video tonight. He takes off his clothes leaving his shirt on the bed for me like he usually does. I dont get it though I go into the walk in closet gets my pjs on. Eventually I get my phone turning it on. Millions of text, miss calls, and voicemails come on. I decided to call my parents on three way. They are terribly worried.
"Natalie!? Where the hell are you?" My mom yells
"Honey are you ok?" My dad asks
"Mom. Dad. I'm ok dad ill be home tomorrow."
"Ok princess i love you."
"Natalie you better tell me what happened."
"Mom no I'm ok goodnight love you both."
I hang up quickly. I sent a quick text to Justin then turned my phone on silent. I lay down not facing Nate. I just cant look at him although I wanted nothing more, but to look him in the eyes and have his arm around me.

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