Chapter 14 Natalie

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The past couple days has been the best and hardest time of my life. Two days that I have basically ignored Nate. Seeing him at school the first day it felt like the whole thing over again with the video, but Justin and I actually sat down talking about everything and I cried a big ass cried at that right on Justins shoulder. The rest of that night Justin and I watched movies and then I fell asleep. The next day the people came and done everything I wanted done into my home. I went furniture shopping with my dad. He actually took the day off to do something with me besides just calls and text every day.

That day was the best day because I actually got to bond with my father. We ate, laughed until we cried and couldnt breathe, and he helped on my ideas. Although my dad wouldnt let me pay for anything and I fussed at him he would just roll his eyes. Through out the time period my thoughts would lead to Nate, but I quickly dismissed them. Justin would call throughout the day telling me the progress of the remodeling has I gave him an extra key. An extra key because I know out of everyone he is the one I can count the most on.

At the end of our day I was extremely tired and promised myself that tomorrow would be a relaxing messy hair type of day. I gave my two weeks notice into the coffee shop too. My designer career is now going to be taking off more and I have to put all of my time into that and school. My boss for my designer job she called telling me all the exciting plans since she used my drawings making them come to life. She also put my name to it so I guess I would now say I have my own line out?

I laugh to myself thinking about it as I plop down on my new king size bed. I am in heaven it seems. My eyes quickly close and I fall dead asleep.

The next morning I wake up to the sun shining and birds chirping. I take a shower putting on my tank top and comfortable shorts. Today will be a lazy day. I fix me some cereal and watched Netflix until I couldnt no more. I then turned my speakers on blasting music. Especially my new favorite song called Without You by Sofia Camara. As I am dancing around the kitchen thinking about dinner theres a loud bang on my door. Scaring the crap out of my I peak through the blinds seeing Nate. I smile. I dont know why but I have missed him, and I was going text him saying tomorrow we will talk, but this works of having him here now.

I let him in we talk and cook dinner watching more movies. I didnt mind because I needed it. I needed the few days break. I know it sounds horrible saying this, but honestly it works well at least for me it did. Nate even said it worked for him, but I know he hate it.

I know I shouldnt love this boy with all of my heart, and I know I shouldnt forgive him so easily; I just know that he has a good heart and can be better. No one knows him like I do. He had a lot of trouble from his home in California and coming here he got in the wrong crowd. Things happen life is full of mistakes and regret, but its up to us to make it right and do what we know we should do.

Nate leaves with a big smile. I smile back watching as he leaves. I havent told him that this house is actually minemine. That is a talk when we are more stable in our relationship. As my mind races with everything from theses past couple of days I get a text from Nate saying he is now home. We text for a little while and I try to fall asleep, but I just cant I end up facetiming Nate.

As we talk about anything and everything my eyes slowly start to close, and I do a small smile to Nate. Hes the worst, but best thing in my life.

I wake up during the night and see that Nate has fallen asleep while on facetime too and I take the moment to admire his features. Quickly snapping the picture, I smile at him although he couldnt see it. I get up using the bathroom and grabbing me a bottle of water then going back to my bed. I want to be cuddled up to him I want his arms around me. I should have asked him to stay just for tonight. Nate starts to stir in his sleep before his eyes slowly open.

Seeing me through his phone he slowly smiles still half asleep.

Nate? I whisper

I dont know why I whispered, but I did.

Yes baby? He answers in his sleepy voice

Come stay the night. I half beg

His eyes pop open no sleep in them anymore. Are you sure? I dont want to ruin anything.


He gets up moving around the room and I could tell hes packing an over night bag.

Ill be there in fifteen minutes baby.

Door will be open.

I go downstairs unlocking the door waiting for him and right in the fifteen minute he is pulling into my driveway. I open the door jumping on his wrapping my legs around his waist and his arms go around my waist as well. He shuts the door with me still on him and goes up the steps going down to my room. He lays me down gentle and lays down beside me. As we curl up to each other we fall asleep in each other arms. No questions asked. Just the need of each other presents is all we needed.

Stay With Me ***Now Published***Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora