Chapter 29 Nate

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Natalie waking up and acting semi normal made my week so much better. I barely gotten any sleep because Ive been so worried about her. If I left the room someone else was in here to watch over her. But Natalie noticed how tired I am making me come and lay down. I refused, but with the look I knew not to argue with her. Once I hit the pillow my eyes grew heavy, and sleep soon came.

My eyes open and I feel more better now. Well rested. I get up stretching I get my phone seeing its past eleven at night. I walk down the stairs seeing Natalie in her little designer room. Shes on the little couch in there knocked out. I go in moving her drawings to the table and noticed this wedding dress picture. In Memory of Maria Scott. Natalie handwriting with approved beside it.

I am happy that she is drawing, but I feel bad because she worked so hard on this, and her mom never got to see it. I pick Natalie up carrying her to bed. She slowly opens her eyes as I go up the stairs.

Shh go back to sleep. I whisper

Natalie smiles up at me closing her eyes. That smile is enough to say everything will be alright. I lay her down and her eyes open again.

Six weeks until Texas. She mumbles

I sit on the edge of the bed. Six weeks? I have to get my stuff from the apartment tell them I am moving. Get my school credits. My mom I have to give her the time to know and accept it which she has since Thanksgiving. This is real. Im following behind Natalie to go to Texas.

My mind runs a thousand miles an hour as I fix me a quick bite to eat before going back to bed. Am I honestly ready to do this?

Who am I kidding hell no Im not, but for Natalie Ill do anything. Even moving hours away just for her. I love Natalie and I will do whatever I can to fix us.

The next morning, I wake up to see Natalie staring at me.

Good morning. I mumble

She chuckles. Finally, your awake.

I smile seeing shes in a good mood.

I got some good news. Natalie beams at me

What? I ask thrilled that she wants to tell me first

I know you seen the drawing for my mom and all that last night, but its been approved. By approved I mean they are making it and itll be designer by me of course but with In Memory of Maria Scott. I told Ryan already and he is happy.

I smile at her. I am beyond proud of everything she has done.

Congratulations baby. Im so proud and happy for you.

Natalie smiles bigger, and I smile back at her. We get up going downstairs she told everyone and couldnt be more excited. Its like my Natalie is back. She also mention that we will be leaving in six weeks. My mom was more than happy and Damian Natalies dad wasnt ready for the goodbye.

He has also been taking it hard of Natalies mom dying. She was his first love, and we all get that, and I admired Laura for being by his side even though she is now his soon to be wife.

My mom pulls me away so we can talk.

Whats wrong mom?

I am more glad that Natalie made me realize my mom was never the one I should have directed my anger issues at. The one night I apologized to my mom, and she cried. I felt horrible, but now our bond has grew so strong. I wish I could take it all back from putting her through hell, but I cant. Its a life lesson learned type thing.

Nothing son, but are you ready for this? Its a big step and I want you happy. By no means am I trying to talk you out of it either. She adds chuckling

Of course mom I dont want to be somewhere without Natalie. I just hate that you moved here to be closer with me and now Im leaving you behind.

Oh no dont you dare feel bad chase your dreams son. Do what makes you happy. And if that means chasing down to go to Texas than do it! Dont let anyone stop you. I love you.

I love you mom.

What my mom said is right. Nothing will stop me from being with her.

As we walked back to everyone Natalies dad said he will grill out steaks and ribs while Natalie made the salsa, rice, and beans. Which we all agreed too.

Today is a chill relax carefree day. I honestly loved it. Although these new feelings are new I still enjoy it mostly because Natalie is actually smiling. I believe everything will be all right. As the time passed she even invited Ryan over which he gladly accepted.

We are all talking and cutting up a good day. A good moment for us all. Because if anyone asked me how I saw Natalie from a week when she lost her mom I would have said upset, hurt, and not like today. But she is pushing herself and I know shes doing it for her mom to be proud.

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