Chapter 34 Nate

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Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I didnt mean to leash my attitude onto Natalie, but everything over the past few days have literally left me with no sleep and aggression. Im pacing the living room floor at my moms. I didnt know where else to go and shes always there for me. The front door opens up and she coming hurrying through to where I am.

As I keep pacing around she looks at me.

Nathan what happened. Whats going on? My mom questions

Mom I fucked up. I fucked up big time nothing small. I say pulling my hair

My mom walks up to me pulling my hands from my hair and takes my face into her hands like a mother does their child to calm them down. I take my mom in my arms, and she wraps me hers as I shed my fucking tears. Tears that I have been holding back until I couldnt no more. If I was still a child my dad would tell me to suck it up. I guess thats why I hate the motherfucker so much besides just leaving us.

Nathan honey talk to me. Its been hours now. My mom now says growing anxious

Hours? How when it seems like she just got here. I check my time and its nearly seven. Natalie hasnt tried to reach out to me either. Fuck. This is bad.


Natalie and I got into a big argument, and I said some harsh shit mom. I think this might be the end.

My heart is breaking just thinking about losing her.

Oh honey. You guys always find a way back it might not be easy. But you both are young and have a lot to figure out on your own. You have to regain her trust and show her how much you truly love her. I know you have it in you son. I never seen you with a girl like I see you with Natalie. You have to show her you can change. You have to show her that your done with the bullshit Nathan, because at the end of the day she wont wait around. Itll hurt her like hell to move on, but she will find someone who loves her and will do anything for her. You have to change son.

I nod my head as the words of my mothers sync into my head. I close my eyes as my mother runs her hand over my head like she use to do when I was a child.

When I woke up the sun is beaming, and I look at my time after two in the afternoon. No miss calls or text from Natalie. I walk into the kitchen seeing my mom in the laundry on the phone.

Natalie. My mom says

Something is said, and my mom agrees.

I clear my throat and she tells her bye and that Ill meet her at the airport tomorrow.

I lay around after that and watch nothing but stupid shit with my mom. We laugh and laugh until we couldnt even hold our eyes open anymore. I told my mom goodnight and fell asleep after setting my alarm to be at the airport waiting for my girl to be there too.


I tell my mom bye after showering and getting my car situated for the airport. Traffic is backed up, but I can make it. I get in my car leaving waving goodbye to my smiling mother who looks generally happy for me. I just hate leaving her behind again.

I hit the highway and in forty-five minutes Im stuck in traffic. Fuck. An hour passes just for my phone to alert me that this highway is shut down due to an accident. FUCK. THIS. ISNT. HAPPENING.

Theres no way around either. I get my phone sending a message to Natalie.

Me- Highway is shut down because of a accident Im trying to hurry baby.

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