Chapter 21 Natalie

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I didnt think that in two weeks I would be okay like I am now. Since Nate left everything been horrible except me buying my house. I finally got it furnished and moved in. Justin and Layla along with my parents helped and I was beyond grateful for their help.

Justin and I have talked about the kiss, and I told him I just cant date him. Not right now anyways. He understood and hasnt overstepped his friend role for which I am grateful. I invited him to go with me to Nates mom party since she invited me, and I promise I would show up. Layla and Justin are coming with me, and I am ready for it to be over with honestly.

Natalie hurry up! We going to be late. Layla yells echoing in my new home

Ok I just got to get dress. I yell back.

I look in my closet and decided to get my black and silver dress. It hugs my body but stops right above my knees. The sleeves and the whole dress really sparkles. I put on my silver high heels and checked myself in the mirror one last time.

Fake smile. Check. Hair curled. Check. Nude makeup in place. Check.

Lets get this over with. I thought.

I walk down, and Layla whistles and Justin eyes nearly pop out. I dont know why heck this dress isnt all that. As I get my jacket and we all go in our own cars. Thirty-five-minute drive. Thats how long I have until the fake smile has to come out. Traffic wasnt that bad through it all we eventually pull up. When we park and I get out Nates mom meets us at the door. Fake smile in place.

Oh, Natalie honey! Its so good to see you. Layla and Justin good to see you again as well come in come in.

We walk in and the day that I came here bawling my eyes hits me. I take a shaky breath and continue walking to the far corner table near the stairs where the balcony as I call it overlooks the floor we are on. When I first came here that was my favorite part of her house because you can leave to go out to your car that way as well. As time passes quickly I find myself actually enjoying the party. Actually, smiling and laughing. I needed this. People are everywhere even some that I remember from being at my surprise party from my dad.

Thank you everyone. Nate moms starts saying. For coming out here from back home and my new friends for celebrating my new start in life. It has been a walk in the park thats for sure! But I wouldnt trade it any other way. So, thank you for coming to celebrate this and for showing my new home love. Now carry on. She laughs

We all began to talk and chat away, and I turn my back to see what Layla was laughing at which is some guy across the street doing who knows what. As I start laughing a voice comes through shocking even Layla.

Mom you deserve this and much more Im sorry Im late.

I turn around coming face to face with him. With the one who I thought I would never hear from again or see. I drop my glass of champagne. Everyone looks at me and I start apologizing walking away more like running away.

Go after her you idiot. I hear Layla and his mom tell him

I cant I have to get away. I was finally getting better. I got to breath. I stopped beside a big, beautiful tree gasping for air.

Natalie please? I hear Nate shout

No, no, no, no. I cant. He left. I tried to call him, text him. Something and he never answer, never cared. I cant even run no more. I just sit here watching as he gets closer and closer to me. I wanted to the tears to come, I wanted the anger, but all I have when I see him is my heart pounding and fresh air for the first time is weeks. I can finally get my answers or hear him out, but do I really want too?

Natalie. Nate says

Nathan. I simply say

I had to buy a new phoneI broke my old one. Nate chuckles

That explains why you havent answered anything. I barely whisper with an attitude

Natalie it wasnt meant to be like that honestly. I left to give you space. To give you the chance to rebuild yourself without me. Ive done nothing but hurt you and I dont want to do that anymore.

I wish I could smile and tell him that I want him and nobody else, but I just cant. These weeks gave me time to think time to know he didnt want me.

You didnt want me remember you left. I whisper

I didnt want too though! I did it for you. But I realized even after I broke my phone and couldnt see your pictures anymore that. You need me just like I need you.

I cant stay on this subject. I need to talk of something else.

I bought me a house. Would you like to come see it?

I heard. Congratulations, I would love to see it. He says with a smile my smile only meant for me.

As I get in my car he follow in his. I took a shaky breath when I pulled away. I really just invited Nate to my home. I dont know why I want to know his reaction. I cant lie and say seeing him wasnt the best part of my night and the little talk maybe us just being away from everyone and just us talking will help me figure out what to do.

I have miss Nathan more than anything and I think if we lay everything out on the table that has happened these last few weeks just maybe we could be ok. Ha who am I kidding when he finds out Justin kissed me he will flip. But why he wasnt here. He left.

Soon enough I am pulling up to my gate and punching in the code which is Christmas date until I can think of something better. I wave Nate to follow behind me and he does. Going down the long driveway I decided I want not trees but some pretty type of flower trees to line the driveway with the hanging lights. I stop at the garage doors. I turn my car off getting out and wait for Nate to get out as well.

Holy shit. This is beautiful. He says

I smile. Thanks, I did some extra work to it, but I love it. Its just something for right now.

For right now? Nate questions

Dang it I told on myself I wasnt going to let anyone know until I actually made my final decision, but I guess I did.

Yeah, um the job I work at the designing one is moving to Texas, and she invited me to go and have a upper level job, well more like be one of her designers.

Nate processes what I said and I feel myself shaking as I wait for his response.

You can be her designer from here?

I shake my head. No, but itll be a great start for me.

We walk in and I let Nate look around while I fix us some wine. Yes I got wine and my dad put it for me. I sit on the couch waiting for his return.

What about us? Nate says minutes later after coming back

I look at him. Damn he got straight to the point.

We should talk Nathan. I whisper

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