Chapter 9 Nate

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Fuck man soon as Natalie came home from work I could tell how tired she was. I started massaging her legs and feet because she kept mumbling how bad they hurt. No later then her head hits her pillow shes asleep. I stayed here still rubbing her legs and feet so the soreness can go away. I also wanted to let her rest a little. I really need to tell her about meeting up with Shay to get my shit back. I didnt trust her to give it to anyone else, thats also why I made my mom tag alone. I didnt want no bullshit said.

When meeting Shay, she met my mother and before we left my mother just had to use the bathroom leaving Shay and I alone. Thats when Shay thought it was best to ambush me by forcing a kiss on me. Fuck when I say I wanted to push her against the wall and scream at her and throw up at the same time I mean I wish in that moment I was a female.

Waking Natalie seeing the time went by quickly its now half past six. She jumps up grabbing her clothes and goes into the bathroom. I wait in the living room with my mom watching some stupid shit. When I hear the bathroom door open I jump up hearing my mom laugh. I roll my eyes at her and meet eye to eye at Natalie. Holy shit. I havent really seen her dress up much theses last few days, but god damn this girl is beautiful. Either way she is my gorgeous girl. Natalie faces turns reddish-pink, and I knew she was blushing.

We all walk out to my car. Natalie grew anxious by time we got to her moms house. Shit who am I lying to because I am too. Her mom always does something to either hurt Natalie or piss me off. I just want tonight to be good for my girl. She deserves to be happy, and I am trying just that. I even have a surprise for her. Natalie has been wanting to travel to Disney and I am making that dream come true for her.

Everything so far seemed to be going well. Dinner was most definitely weird, but my mom helped with the tension. I know Natalie been keeping count of her mom drinking wine and when Natalie said its time to go she must knew that her mom would or might try some shit. Well, she was right.

Her mom brought up this shit with Shay even showing Natalie a fucking picture. Yes you heard right a fucking picture.

Natalie looks devastated and tells her mother goodbye with me right on her heels. My mom stands back telling her mom thank you for the food.

Natalie? Please listen? I beg

She is having no part in hearing anything from me. As she even sat in the back the car ride was thick with different feelings from everyone. Natalie was zoned out I kept glancing at her every so often through the mirror. Screw her mom for this shit. Fuck me for not telling her sooner. Fuck. When we got to the apartment she stayed back in my car. I knew she need this moment alone, so I went up and straight to our room. Running my hand through my hair trying my hardest not to punch or break anything.

Natalie finally comes in hurt clearly on her face her eyes now sad as shit again. Words just start spilling out.

Natalie I know you dont want to listen, but please do. I was going to tell you what happened soon you came home, but you was so tired and fell asleep as I was rubbing your legs and feet that I didnt want to bother you with this bullshit. Yes I met up with Shay she knew my mom was there. But what your mother failed to say was as you could clearly see in the picture is that she had her hands wrapped around my head forcing the kiss. You know how I feel about even pushing a female. I know I should have in this moment, but I didnt want to feel guilty. I dont want you to hate me, but I understand if you do and want to leave now.

I can see her thinking and trying to piece it together. I can also see how exhausted she is too.

Tomorrow. She says

Tomorrow what? Tomorrow we will talk? Tomorrow she is leaving me? What is tomorrow? All I know is that tomorrow she works from opening to closing and its going to be even more tiring and hard for her.

As she fell asleep I watch as silent tears escaped her sleeping eyes. I laid down beside her trying to control my anger when she curls up to my chest. I put my arm around her holding my girl close to my chest.

I love you Natalie. I was going to tell you baby I swear. I whisper into her hair

Love you Nate. She whispers back

I close my eyes drifting off to sleep too.

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