Chapter 15 Nate

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I wasnt expecting to wake up to see Natalie staring at me through facetime. I smile at her and the words that came from her lips I wasnt expecting.

Stay the night? She whispers in a half beg

I knew right then she needed me. She may not have spoken the words, but her eyes says everything. She needs me even if its just to get a good nights rest. As I make sure I get up moving around packing a few nights worth of clothes just in case. Fifteen minutes. Thats how long itll take to get there. As we hang up I rush out of my room waking my mom up. I tell her and leave.

When I pull up Natalie opens the door smiling and jumps on me wrapping her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. I laugh holding on to her and leave my bag by the front door shutting it. I walk up the steps holding my girl tight. I see her room is at the very end. I lay her carefully down pulling the blankets over us. She cuddles up beside me laying her head on my chest. My arm still snugged around her, and we both fall asleep. Like nothing else matter. She needed me and I needed her. Thats all that matters.

The next morning I wake up to quiet humming noise. She got her speakers on low. I smell food as well. Shes cooking. She got a good night sleep. I smile at the thought. I walk into the bathroom seeing an unopen box toothbrush. I shake my head at her although she couldnt see it. I use the restroom and get dressed for the day. Since she done brought my bag up here.

I walk down the step quietly and see her in my black tshirt. It nearly swallows her, but I love when she wears my clothes. I walk up behind her wrapping my arms around her. She dots my noise with pancake mix laughing.

Eww. I say scrunching my nose up

I hate pancake mix, but Natalie loves eating it raw sometimes. She swears its good. I wash my nose off asking her if she needs any help.

Can you just get the plates, silverware, and juice with the cups please?

I nod getting everything as she point to the cabinets and set the table for us. She puts the plates full of food. As we eat I look at her and she looks at me her eyes twinkling from her happiness.

So, what do you want to do today? I ask her clearing our plates

Im not sure? Maybe we could go to the mall, my dad is having a party this weekend and we need an outfit.

I smile. We?

Yes we do unless you dont want to go? I can go alone. I hear the sadness and disappointment in her voice

Hell no Im going with you. I laugh

She laughs too. Natalie goes upstairs changing to get ready. When she comes down the steps nearly an hour later my jaw drops. The view of her never changes. She is the most gorgeous girl ever.

My girl is wearing shorts; a nice type of shirt and her hair is down. She even put a little bit of makeup on. I hold my hand out to her and she does a little spin to show off. I bite my lip at the sight of her and stuff a small groan that escapes me. Her face turns a light shade of pink.

You are absolutely beautiful.

Youre not so bad yourself. She chuckles

We leave as I drive to the mall. I fucking hate the mall, but for my girl Ill do whatever she wants. The mall takes less than twenty minutes to get there and the whole time Natalie is thinking of what to get. She asks my opinion about at least matching and I am up for it. Whatever she wants to do. I want to be the good boyfriend that makes her laugh instead of cry.

We walk into the fucking dress and suite shop. Natalie starts looking around and I sit waiting for her to chose so we can pick the suit for me. Natalie comes out of the dressing room in a short sexy ass dress the front showing her chest. The thin line to hold the dress up wraps around and crosses in the back. The dress looks perfect on her showing every curve, every outline she has. I walk over to her wrapping my arms around her.

Ill bend you over right here. I groan into her ear

Natalie giggles swapping my arm. I love it! Its sparkly sexy and short. I love the champagne color too!

I can see the love for the dress in her eyes. Natalie never cares about clothes especially dresses and the fact she loves this one means something. Natalie comes out telling the worker she wants to buy it with the heels too. I groan not because of her getting it but because now itll be hard as fuck to keep my hands off of her. As Natalie tells the lady about how she wants a suit with the same color for me we pull my size without trying it. I pay as her head is turned.

The smile she has is one in a million. If dressing up going to some stupid party for her does this. Ill do it every damn single time. What has she done to me? I laugh to myself as we walk to more stores.

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