Chapter 24 Natalie

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Only two days have passed since Nate said he wouldnt come with me to Texas. I honestly dont care, but it still hurt knowing Im not enough for him. Its just best for us to go our own way and thats exactly what I am doing. The holidays are right around the corner and its going to be at my house. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. I invited Nates mom and told her Nate could come I wont hold that against him, then I invited Justin and then my parents with Layla and her mom. It should be eventful hopefully its good and not bad.

I have my whole house decorated for Christmas just not my tree yet. I have the whole meals prepared for this weekend as well. Once I looked over everything I knew it was perfect. The lighting, seating, food and table is perfect. I want it to be the good because its the first one I held and its the first one with my dad that I put together.

Damn Natalie anyone could be breaking in and you wouldnt hear shit. Layla says coming through

I laugh not hearing her come in. I told her earlier in the day it was ok for her to stay the night since she asked to stay for a few days.

So have you and Nate talked? Layla asks

I shake my head no. No, we havent I gave it all that I could Layla. Im trying to be better, trying to build my future and I want to get to the top I do, but I dont want to do it alone. Just the way it looks I have to go there alone and get to the top alone.

You have us family.

I smile. Always, but you know what I mean.

I do. Layla chuckles. I just dont get him. Nate is dumb. He told me you wont take him back, but yet he hasnt even tried to talk to you.

I look down. Yeah he even told me once that Im the only girl he will fight for. Doesnt look like it so much. I say my voice breaking.

Layla takes me into a big hug, and we go to our rooms at that. I get my phone seeing my lock screen is Nate and me smiling. How have times change in just a month? A tear slides down my cheek and I quickly wipe it away.

They say your first heartbreak is always the hardest to overcome. I believe more than ever because being without Nathan is like my heart got ripped out of my chest. I lay down closing my eyes wishing Nathan would change his mind.

I wake up to my phone ringing. My room lights are still on, and my phone is right in my hand. I look at the screen seeing my wishing has came true or maybe he is just drunk.

Nate? I whisper yawning

Natalie. He slurs. Im sorry please you have to hear me out.

Nate your drunk. I says my heart sinking further.

He drinks his pain away which is the worst way possible.

Im at your door let me in please. He whimpers and begs

I look at the clock seeing its only two in the morning. I walk out my room seeing Layla opening her room door.

Who the hell is banging on your door at two in the morning? She groans

Its Nate and hes drunk.

Layla eyes go wide. Drunk driving makes us so mad, and she walks back in her room. I knew all too well she wouldnt speak to him right now.

I quickly walk down the steps to the front door opening it. Nate walks in walking all crazy.

Nathan first car keys. I demand

III didnt drive. A ttataxi brought me. He slurs

I let out my breathe as he flops down on my couch.

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