Chapter 20 Nate

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Fifteen days.

Fifteen fucking days have passed since I left. Left my entire world behind and came to California. Where my mom is now about to leave to go home. She said Natalie just bought her own home and will be moving soon. I smile. Excellent job baby. I thought.

On the fourth day. She called multiple times. I started to answer, but I remember this thing call space that she needs. I look at our pictures and a voicemail comes through from here. I press play.


Fuck shes crying. I cant listen to it no more I mash saved and threw my phone against the wall. It rings again I go to answer it, but its shattered.

FUCK! I scream pulling my hair.

Nathan? My mom says pulling me from my thoughts

Yes mom?

Come on shell be at the housewarming party. You can explain to her.

I shake my head. No, its better if I stay here.

My mom looks defeated. She is torn. Natalie went to her, and they both broke down apparently. I watch as my mom leaves to go back across country to Florida. Florida that use to be my home. The place that a girl lives that stole my heart. Where I wanted nothing, but to change and be good for her. My mom is now gone, and Im left alone again. Drinking myself until I pass out. Fuck. I need to stop. If Natalie saw me she would be so angry that I let myself get this way.

I drag myself up to my old bedroom falling straight on the bed. I need sleep.

I close my eyes slowly falling asleep.


I groan while opening my eyes to see who is calling. My mom.

What mom?

I made it here son. Remember party is tomorrow evening.

I know I know. I groan

I roll over groaning even more. I decide I should get up. My stomach is growling and there is no food here. I get up showering and going down to my car. Ill go to the grocery store. As I drive there the little picture I have of Natalie sits on my dash. Fuck man. I miss her terribly, but shell be better without me. I pull into the parking lot of Walmart and park. As I go in I have to walk right back out for a cart. Because its so damn hard for the workers to keep the carts in apparently.

Nathan is that you?

I look up to the voice and see its my old homeboy name Jason.

Jason bro whats up? How you been? I ask

We shake hands and I run my hand through my hair.

Ive been doing good starting to settle down. What you been up too? Last we all heard your mom shipped you down to Florida. Are you back for good?

Thats good. Im here Im in over my head I believe. But fuck I am doing what I believe I should you know?

Jason gives me a what the fuck you talking about and as I explain the situation to him he shakes his head.

Dude you left because you thought it would do her good? Hell, nah bro thats make it worse for this Natalie girl. You cant just give up and run bro I did that before and it fucked us both up. Trust me when I say to go back make things right and try your hardest with her. I see the change in you bro I do. Dont lose the love of your life.

What he said makes sense she is the love of my life and I would do anything for her. As we go our way saying goodbye I grab a quick bite to eat. Thats when it hits me.

Go back.

I have to go back. I have to try.

I run to my car and drive to the house to get my clothes. Its a long drive and I hope I make it back in time for my moms party. I throw everything in the suitcase driving to the highway. Im coming back Natalie I thought. Im coming back for you.

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