Chapter 27 Natalie

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I follow the doctor to what they call the bad newsroom for families. My heart I cant deal with this. If I lose my mom nothing will be the same. I need her even if we fight like cat and dogs I will forever always need my mom. Ryan my moms fiancée comes running through and comes to my side as well. He is a mess. He works an hour away and I can tell her got here sooner than anything.

Natalie Im sorry to inform you, but your mom came in not alive. We got her heartbeat, but without the machines Im afraid to tell you that she wont make it. Its your call to unplug her or what you would like to do.

Is this really happening? Did this doctor just tell me my mom is basically dead. Nate takes me into his arms and my dad is rubbing my back. I sob this cant be happening please. My mom did always say if anything happened to her to not let her stay alive from the machines. I fall down to my knees with Nate still holding me. I really about to lose my mom.

I look to Ryan and get up taking him into my arms. He is losing the women he loves. Life isnt fair.

You know she wouldnt want the machines to keep her alive. He whispers

I nod crying. My heartbreaks.

Ccan we at least tell her goodbye?

Of course, take your time Ill be back in a hour.

Ryan and I walk out of the room going to my mom. I let him go first and watching him breakdown hurts even more. My mom didnt deserve this.

A nurse walks by and I stop her.

Maam Im sorry Im a mess, but how did my mom accident happen?

The nurse must knew because her face drops of course she knew my mom works here.

A driver of the other vehicle hit her head on. Im so sorry.

As minutes turn into more time Ryan finally walks out.

Go ahead I just um I have to I cant be here Natalie.

I understood complete hell I dont want to be here.

Go ahead Ryan stay in contact with me will you?

Of course your my family.

We hug crying as he left my dad went in saying his goodbyes. My dad eyes are puffy oh dad. This must be hard for him as well. Its finally my time and I dont want to go in, I dont want to say goodbye.

I walk up climbing in the bed.

Mommy you arent suppose to be leaving me not yet. Youre suppose to see me get married have kids if I decide too and everything else. Please mom give me a sign that you are ready to leave. Mom? I cry

I hug her crying even more and then the doctor walks in. Maam its time.

I stay hugging her as the machines went off and I hear the heart monitor slowly go down then flat line.

I cry and scream for my mom to come back. I dont know how long has passed, but my dad and Nate is pulling me off and away from my moms body. I walk away as my dad and Nate hold on to me. I dont want to leave her behind. We walk to my car and Nate puts me in the car. I dont know what happened next I just know that I am now in my house sitting on the couch staring at the tv of the breaking news about the crash of my mom and how I am an uprising known designer.

I am frozen I cant hear much of anything else. I put my hands over my ears to drown out the noise and everyone around me. Someone turns the tv off and offers me a cup of water. I turn it down. I dont want nothing, but to wake up from this nightmare.

SOMEONE WAKE ME UP! PLEASE!!! I shout but my mouth isnt moving. No words have come.

Eventually I am in my bed, still not sure how I made it here, but I did. I feel Nate beside me. I hear him saying stuff only words I can make sounds of is worried, and Im not leaving her. I close my eyes and sleep finds my aching eyes.


I wake to the aching pain in my eyes and chest making what happened just hours ago real. I feel like Im going to throw up. I rush to my bathroom throwing up everything I ever ate. Nate brings me a towel as he carries me back to bed. He goes for the remote of the tv in my room, but I shake my head no. He hands me my phone I see its actually six in the night two days have passed.

I look at him. I see the worry clearly on his face and the no sleep.

Sleep. I manage to say

He climbs in beside me taking me into his arms. I close my eyes to have sleep find me again. I dream of nothing but blackness with a broken heart.

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