Chapter 4 Nate

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When I came back to our shit my apartment with my mom I wasnt expecting to see a broken Natalie. She wouldnt even look me in the eyes or at me. The smile she gave to my mom was fake as shit, but she was trying. When my mom asked her to stay the sad broken look appeared in her eyes. It's killing her to be here especially sharing the bed with me. As she is on the side she always slept on I look over at my beautiful girl. Well she isnt mine anymore, but in my heart she will forever be mine. I knew she was fake sleeping because I could hear her soft cries. The thought of her crying hurts me and to know its because of me makes it even more worse. Eventually she fell asleep, but Natalie tossed and turn throughout the night.
I had to tell my mom the truth and soon before my mom gets anymore of her fucking ridiculous ideas. I love my mom to death, but right now I cant even focus on her being her a whole month early.
I get up going into the kitchen to get my a glass a water and an extra for Natalie when she wakes up when my mom appears in front of me scaring the shit out of me.
"Shit mom." I say
"Is she ok?" My mom whispers
"Yes mother. Just some stuff is going on."
"You look so much happier now my son."
"Goodnight mother." I say back walking into the room
I quietly place the cup of water on the desk and went back to myside. When I laid down I look at her once more then whisper softly in her ear. "I am so sorry baby. I wish I can take it back. I love you so fucking much. Please talk to me soon. I'm sorry."
I wipe the tear that was left on her cheek when she started moving. I froze in my spot when she opens her beautiful eyes looking up at me.
"I'm sorry." I whisper laying back in my spot
Natalie gets my hand holding it falling back asleep. Soon enough sleep finds me.
When I wake up my bed is empty. I hear talking from the table and the bedroom door is opened.
"Natalie honey what's going on between you and Nathan?" My mom asks her
I wait for a reply when eventually she speaks. "He is your son." She whispers the hurt clear in her voice
"He is NOT without his difference though. Is it bad?"
I hear Natalie gulp and she whispers "yes ma'am really bad. He um hurt me deeply and um uh he lied to me."
I hear my mom get up and I can only imagine that Natalie has broke down again.
"Do you still love him?"
"Yes ma'am I do so very much, but this has just happened in the weekend. I just I cant face him yet. Nate is my everything, but I dont know if we can come back from this."
I heard enough I get up making it known that I am awake when they hurry and change the subject. I walk out without my shirt on and just shorts. Natalie is at the table getting her bag and keys.
"Well it was nice meeting you. I hope maybe we can meet again." Natalie says to my mom
"You to dear. You have my number I am just a call away."
Natalie looks at the ground and then says to me "Um maybe when I can another day we can uh talk?"
She's having a hard time trying to hold everything back. "Yes that will be fine let me help you take your stuff out."
She nods as i slide my shoes on with a shirt. I take her big bag following her out to the elevator. "Natalie."
"Your mom knows. She figured it out." She whispers. "But I didnt tell her what happened."
I make the elevator stop and look at her. "Please talk to me now baby please." I beg
"I cant Nathan! Dont you understand? My brain is all over the place. I trusted you just for it to be a game for you."
"It was a game a first, but the more I got around you the more I fell for you so hard Natalie. I love you!"
She pushes the button just for the doors to open on the first floor. She grabs her bag and runs out.

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