Chapter 10 Nate

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When I wake Natalie is already up getting ready for work. So much for talking before work. She looks at me opens her mouth then shuts it again. I get up going to the bathroom as she went to the kitchen. When I come out she had a cup of coffee waiting for me too. Maybe she isnt so mad? I watch her to see her mood. I just didnt want to say the wrong thing.

Nate. Natalie whispers

I look up at her. Yeah? I say waiting for her to drop the bombshell of us being done

Im not mad more like upset because I wish you would have told me before my mother, but I did fall asleep so its not your fault.

I let out my breath wrapping my arms around her. Im sorry. I whisper putting my face into her neck

I will start putting some of my things at my place today I already got some stuff in my car. Its nothing major, but I just wanted to let you know. She finally says

Do we really have to do this distance apart shit?

She smiles at me. Yes. We need the trust back into our relationship, but more importantly we need to move slowly. I dont want to rush again like we did before. It could be the best thing to happen or the worse. But never forget that I love you.

If he forgets Ill make sure to smack him in the head. My mom says behind us laughing

Natalie laughs as well shaking her head. Its been a blessing seeing you. I dont want you to think wrong of me for doing this. She says to my mom

I look at my mom who look taken back. My mom loves Natalie and Im honestly grateful to have a mother like mine. My mom hasnt judge me not even when I have been at my lowest and fucked up so many times making her stress out. She just sent me here to my dad. Which resulted in the fucking people I use to hang out with.

Oh honey I dont think nothing bad of what you guys are doing. Its both of your relationship. I have no part, but I do agree on it. I love seeing you and because of that and seeing my son so happy and being with him. I have decided to move over here. Matter of fact I already bought me a home and having my things put into the house today.

I smiled at my mother hugging her as did Natalie. Soon after Natalie announced shes leaving for work. I do what I always have walk her out and down to her car. I open her car door for her. She turns looking at me and I can see that shes nervous.

I give her a kiss. We will make it work baby and I promise we will come out even better.

I watch as she drives away. I just know that if I want this to work I have to make us stronger. I walk back inside getting dressed. Making small talk with my mom I agree to go take her to her new home and because I want to see the house my mom now has. Her car is getting delivered here so soon she can make her way around without me. I felt a little upset about it honestly. I done got use to my mom being with me again and taking her places.

When I pull up to the house from the gps I looked wide eye at my mom. I thought our house back in California was crazy, but this is nothing compared to that. Its a three-part garage with the bottom being stone and its two stories. A lot of windows the yard is huge! I look at my mom and she just shrugs like its nothing. I park at the front door ignoring the looks from all the works bringing stuff in and fixing the yard. I nod to them, and they mind their business.

My mom introduces herself as the new owner and walks inside. Going inside the ceiling is high with a chandler. The living room is huge there is already a big size L couch a big screen tv and some other couches and end tables. Going into the kitchen there is an island table with the sink connected to it and behind it theres the stove and two ovens with an oven top microwave. My mom has out done herself. But I am just proud of her honestly.

Nathan. My mom calls out to me

Yes mom? I say

You know you will always have a place here.

I know mom, but I actually like my apartment.

She nods and continues with making her arrangement. I get my phone from my back pocket. Natalie has been at work for now four hours. I send her a message.

Me-I hope your day goes fast and you dont work to hard baby. Let me know if you want me to come by for your lunch. I can pick something up.

After a few minutes the bubbles pop up showing shes typing back.

Natalie- That would be nice. Meet you at the new place? Work been steady not to bad.

Me- What do you want me to pick up? What are you in the mood for? Steady is better than mad shit crazy :P

Natalie- hahaha yeah I know I can finally sit, and anything is fine. See you at what 12:30?

Me- yes baby see you soon

I tell mom about my lunch plans with Natalie, and she said she just going to sit at her new house organizing some things. Its twelve now so by time I pick up the Chinese food and get to that house we should be there at the same time.

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