Chapter 13 Nate

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I cant fucking believe this. Fucking Shay set me up and now fucking Justin is there with my girl cheering her up. The look of hers as I speed away haunts me until the day and its only been two fucking days. Yes can you believe it I have managed to stay the fuck away from two damn days. I dont know how, but theses days have been hell. I see Natalie on campus, but she hasnt spoken to me. I get small simple answers back. Shes battling herself again. Fuck.

Today I am going to try to talk to her. Today I hope she comes back to me. Today has to be the damn day.

I pull her to her house, and I hear music blasting. She got the speaker she wanted. She text me Friday so excited and with a video. She loves it. It hurt me that she didnt want me with her to do the house shopping anymore. As I get closer to the door I hear the song. Its called Without You by Sofia Camara. The only reason I know it because when I was just letting music play from YouTube it played.

I bang on her door because I knew she wouldnt hear me. She opens the door with a smile. She gets her phone turning the volume down. Natalie opens the door wider for me to come in.

Shes in a good mood. I hope the few days apart has helped. I hug her as she hugs me back. A smile forms on my lips. I dont want to let her go, but she pulls away way to quickly for my likings. Her hair is in a messy bun with shorts and a tank top. I notice the change in her living room dark hardwood flooring couch is a L shape grey with black end tables. A big smart tv hanging up on the wall. Her windows are now with black and white blinds throughout the house. Her kitchen now holds a marble kitchen table.

Natalie honestly looks good in her own space. I bite my lip between my teeth suddenly remembering the first time of us at the apartment. If only the time wasnt different now. If only she trust me. Who the hell am I kidding after everything that has happened Im lucky she hasnt officially broke up with me. We are just taking a few days away like how we said. This is how it would be just a day or two during the week and the weekends. Lets see how today goes. I take her hand in mine and she doesnt pull away. Yes! Thats a good sign. I wish I knew what has been going through her mind. Hopefully right now she will tell me. I know my mom sure in the hell missed her.

I sit on the couch as she sits across from me. I can tell that she made it her spot by the window so she can draw freely. Natalie curls her legs under her getting comfortable.

Whats going on? She asks clearly getting tired of the waiting

I wanted to talk to you? See where we stand. What are we doing? I dont know I just miss you Natalie.

She smiles fumbling with her hands. A thing she always does when she gets nervous.

I have missed you to Nate, but its just hard because every time I start to let my guard down something happens. I want you Nathan. Heck who can I lie to Im freaking love you, but I need to know am I the only one on your mind? These past few days has gave me room to think hopefully for you too.

Natalie its you only you. I wasnt trying to hide the whole thing about Shay I wasnt, but I just want my shit back you know? I thought about a lot these past few days. Thats why I changed my number and text you right away so you would know. Only you, my mom, Layla, and even Justin. Sad yes I know. I did it for you though. Im trying. Trying to get your trust back, trying to build them ways down. I never meant to hurt you baby.

I dont miss the sad look in her eyes. Trying is all I ask for Nate.

I smile moving beside her taking my girl into my arms. So, we still doing this whole only a day or two during the week and weekend?

Natalie nods laughing. I groan at her and start tickling her. When I thought enough was enough she got up still laughing trying to catch her breath. She gets up going into the kitchen and I follow her.

We start making small talk and I was happy that she decided to put her notice in at the coffee shop. Shes been working her ass off and I didnt like it. She also doesnt notice that I put money into her account as well. I wont tell her anything. I do it so I know she is taken care of. Natalie never mentions Justin she had a few slips but catches herself about it. He helped with the new decorations and furnishing. I need to thank him for that. Yes I am going to man the fuck up so she can see I am trying. Hell, he is now my brother anyways, so I need to get over this whole attitude shit. Its getting old and tiring.

Natalie its okay to say Justin helped you. I get it at first I didnt, but I believe you when you say he is only a friend and hes been there when I havent.

She smiles up at me coming to me hugging me. A big load weight off her shoulders I can just tell.

Thank you. She whispers kissing my cheek

I help her cook dinner and we watched a few movies before I ended up leaving. I told her I was calling Justin to talk to him and or meet up depending on the results. Of course, she wanted to hear how it went so Justin and I talked through things with Natalie right beside me as my phone was on speaker. The big smile on her face I loved. I took a picture, and she swats my arm playfully.

The big smile I have going into my apartment shows off as my mom looks at me. She must knew because she smiles back. I go into my room to get my things to shower. I walk into the closet seeing Natalie clothes and the fact she left some means she will hopefully move back. I take a quick shower and go to bed telling my mother goodnight while texting Natalie.

No sooner then I put my phone down she is facetiming me.

I answer seeing she is laying in bed as well. Chatting away she tells me she cant sleep so we facetime until she slowly falls asleep. I snap a picture not bothering to hang up. I close my eyes falling asleep with her on my mind and phone.

Stay With Me ***Now Published***Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora