Chapter 7 Natalie

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I am bolted awake when Nate is shaking and whimpering in his sleep. I knew he mention once before in our late-night talks that he had nightmares sometimes, but could this be it? Could this be one? I dont give it another thought.

"Nate?" I whisper gently shaking him

He doesnt budge . "Nathan?" I whisper again

Nothing happens as I continued to try to wake him up eventually his eyes pop open wide. Fear in his eyes sweat all over his face. I grab his face between my hands.

"Youre ok. I'm here." I say barely kissing his soft lips

Nate wraps his arms around me still breathing hard. "Do you want to talk about it?"

He shakes his head no and holds me tighter.

"Nate whats wrong?"

He never had a bad dream since I have seen him or spent the nights together before moving in. This is all new to me.

I hold him as his breathing went calm. Nate what happened? I ask again more gently

He sits up running his hand through his hair. It really wasnt a nightmare , but to me its my biggest fear.

Can I know? Maybe talking about it will help you.

A shiver runs over me as I watch him, and he looks tortured.

My nightmare keeps replaying in my head of what Shay done at the party. The look on your face and you walking away from me. I feel like youre not honestly here; that his is just a big ass stupid dream.That Im having a hard time waking up from.

I grab his face between my hands. I am here Nathan. I havent left. I told you I will try but if you give me any reason to believe something different. I will be gone.

He nods in understanding then gets up running his hands through his hair yet again. Nate walks out of the bedroom, and I hear the running water from the shower. I sign leaning back against the headboard. A small knock sounds on the door and I open my eyes to see Nates mom standing there.

You can come in.

Sweetie is everything alright?

He had a bad dream. Is all I can manage to say

She comes and sits down patting my legs. Its going to be alright. You may not see it right now, but it will be honey. You both are young. But I can tell you one thing he truly loves you and I have never seen that from him. He doesnt even say that to me. He has truly changed since you came into his life. I am truly grateful for you.

I look up at her tears brimming my eyes. Before I could even get the chance to say anything Nate walks into the room. His mom gets up kisses him on the cheek going back to bed. Nate looks at me then to my arm again. I know how he feels about what my mother did, but I just cant deal with her and then trying to forgive Nate.

Are you ok? I ask Nate

Yeah Im good.

I lay back down curling up to him. I soon fell back asleep and within no time my alarm clock is going off. Well, I thought it was my alarm clock when really its my mom calling me at six in the morning.

What mom? I automatically say

I honestly dont even care to talk to her. I know moms do what they think is best. But my mother she wants to control my life and I now see that.

Natalie I just want to say I didnt mean to hurt you the other night. I just was really worried about you.

I get it Im her only child and my disappearing for the weekend scared her, but she should know I would be ok. I just needed the time for myself. I honestly still do. Thats why I will be going to stay at Justins house. He has granted me his whole home for myself to think. To be by myself. He apparently has another place he will be staying until I can get my mind right. The thing is how will Nate handle this?

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