The big graduation party

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"I am so excited for the party." Kendra said, I can't wait to be  with all of our friends. Now we just need to go and get ready. Our big party is in just a couple of hours. I'm so glad that none of our parents found out. We are going to have so much fun and I hope that we can enjoy our party without anyone crashing it. If anyone crashes it, I don't know what were going to do.  I only want us to be happy. Nothing means more to me than knowing that we can be together."

Andrea and Kendra started to get ready for the big party. They had spent a few minutes getting dressed and about a half hour getting their hair qand makeup done. They were so excited to be a part of a special party. Little did they know that their parents were going to come in and ruin the entire thing. Later, Andrea and Kendra were ready for the party. Sadly, it was held back for another 3 hours. At least they had time to just relax. They hoped that no one would come and bother them. All they wanted was to enjoy themselves. 

"We are going to have so much fun." Andrea said, I can just imagine what the party will look like. Now that it has been delayed, I can just relax. Maybe we can go to a movie. That should pass the time. Movies are about two and half hours. What do you think? It would be a great way to pass the time and I kn ow you like romance movies. I will even pay for both of us. Plus tickets and snack are half off the regular price. We'd better get to the theater early to reserve our seats." 

"That would be wonderful" Kendra said, we will have so much fun. It will be like gettting the party started early but we are just taking time for the two of  us before we get together with our other friends. We will be passing the time wisely. Now we'd better get going so that we can get the best starts in the house. Hopefully we get there before the line gets long. I hate waiting in line. The theater is only a block away. We can just walk quickly so that we can get our seats and we'd better get some snacks." 

Andrea and Kendra walked to the theater in record time. They were ready to go and nothing was going to stop them. They were in line and ready. They were in the very front of the line so they had gotten to their seats in as little as 4 minutes. Now it was tine sit back and enjoy the show. The movie was a heart breaking romance tale and when the couple got separated by long distance relationship, Andrea lost it. She cried and cried while other people stared at her. Her heart was completely shat!

Kendra handed Andrea a handkerchief. She wiped her eyes and blew her nose. Everyone stated at her in shock. Who would have thought that Andrea would cry at a movie. She loved the movie but she felt so emotional. She never thought she would ever cry at a movie. Then she was worried. What if her relationship with George was a long distance relationship?she continued to cry as she watched the movie. What's it ended, it was time to go to the party.s he was so esxcited gut she had to redo her makeup. Her face was a horrible hot mess!

Later, it was time for Andrea to get her makeup redone. It was time to get ready for the party. It was in 15 minutes. She was so excited. She had never imagined that she would ever have such a wonderful day. Later, it was time for Andrea and Kendra to go to the hotel ballroom. This was going to be so much fun. Little did they know that Andrea's family would show up and crash everything. Soon, they arrived at the ballroom. Everything looked wonderful. Now it was time to get this party started. In two weeks, it would be time for Andrea and Kendra to start their career. 

The party was so fun. There was a huge dance and a caterer. Andrea had a fun time dancing with her friends. George enjoyed every moment he spent with Andrea and nothing was going to stop him. Later, he would have to say goodbye to Andrea and she would be heartbroken to have to have a long distance relationship with him. She would only get to see him on weekends and holidays. As the party went on, Andrea started to grow worried. She felt as if someone else was in the room.

Andrea turned to see her parents in the room she was in shock. Why were they here? This was supposed to be a party for her and her friends. This was just awful! How would she get her parents out of here? There had to be some way of doing this. Soon, she had a way to get her parents out of the room. Her parents left in just a few minutes. She was so happy. She had locked the doors and when they left, the party went on. Nothing was going to stop her from enjoying the rest of her time with her friends. 

The party ended a few hours later. It was time for Andrea and Kendra to go back to their apartment and rest. Kendra was proud of Andrea for standing up for herself. Nothing meant more to her than knowing that Andrea was happy. Now it was time to eat. It had been 4 hours since the party ended and now Andrea was hungry again. She ate some fish and vegetables and then ended it with some  chocolate cake and ice cream. Time passed like a blur. Now it was time to go to bed. Little did Andrea know that her beloved George would be leaving for college in 4 weeks. 

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